
For Heaven's sake, Myles…
It's spelled B - E - E - T.

The conversation in the car
between Olivia and Charlie was a paraphrase of one in the pilot.

No one is hotter than Sun. I'm pretty sure that's even why they named her that.

1R2D21 and 1C3P01
Loved the FBI license plates.

The fixed turntable
I particularly liked this subtle Lost reference to Faraday's simile about time being a record that is skipping. The turntable is fixed when the loop in time has resolved.

Daniel's Journal
Since Eloise got it prior to Jughead's detonation, I assume that it has something to do with Alt-Eloise's knowledge of Desmond's plight.

I'm more concerned about the slave ship, considering that slavery was abolished in America in 1865.

Next time please let it be Annie who is desperate to humor Troy's grandmother. Or perhaps Senor Chang's twin 17-year old cousins.

Well, they're certainly not rooks. Nothing they say is straightforward.

The Wa: "Also, if Cooper is no longer the kind of guy who pushes his son through a window, he's also probably not the kind of guy who causes a murder-suicide. Which means in this reality Sawyer's not an angry nihilist."

"The Promotion"?
I thought this episode was entitled "Manager and Salesman."

She's mid-twenties. Abed, Troy and Annie are fresh out of high school.

Chris DeBurgh - Spaceman Came Traveling
The Christmas story as semi-secular sci-fi tale… awesome.

And the abrasive cousin who does offensive impressions, the Dundies.

Doesn't have to make sense…it's not a reference to anything, just "Seskel."

What, exactly…
…is the psychiatric equivalent of a cough?

Can't decide…
Was I disappointed or relieved that Abed didn't make a blatant meta Breakfast Club reference re: AMH?

Agreed. Probably by going to the home of the CFO of the company buying Dunder Mifflin to extol the virtues of Wallace, only to convince said CFO that the company's not worth buying after all, thereby leaving the current management in charge. And the company still doomed.

In answer to blondie, probably for the same reason Michael blew such an over-the-line means of reaching him over the phone that will only work once - because he's about to get canned anyway.

Speaking of Revelations, Belligerent Jesus should make another appearance.