
Santa Claus.

Dwight's List
Of what his one-piece-at-a-time gift might be:

Former Rabid Crichton Fan
When I was about 15, that is. Kept reading, but after State of Fear and Next, I figured it was all downhill and that I'd call it quits. His death immediately afterward provided compelling evidence for a Seskel-centric universe.

I think my favorite line was Ann's "It was waay too easy to get this guy over here." re: councilman-whatever.

To be fair, Donna does have synopsisitis. No reason to be a douchebag, though.

Maybe it wasn't random, maybe they realized after filming a few episodes how ridiculously unbelievable her stutter sounded.

Eesh, I'd rather just reconsider it on its own merit than actually watch Two and a Half Men.

Or Britta with Polland Spring.

I have broken up with girls on Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, and my own birthday. A little gift to myself.

They pretty much just give him one line per show these days. Usually a great line, though.

True. I loved his line about how going to his grave owing Dwight something would be a recipe for a ghost.

Cripes, I meant "is."

Even better, it was "Tell me what Pam's brain was thinking."

Dwight's B Storyline

As Abed jumped into the top bunk, I was delighted to see a poster for Vibes, the 1980s movie about psychics starring Cyndi Lauper and Jeff Goldblum.