Lt. Leonard Diamond

He was a Gulf War Tank Commander who ran a third party campaign that was derailed by accusations of a sex scandal on a boat with a monkey. I think he might have also been a wrestler and bestselling author.

I got hate messages and threats
for posting this message on facebook last year: "Avatar sucked."

I used to be a video game tester.
It was not as great a job as everyone who has never done it assumes. Yes, you do get paid to play video games (12$/h CA) but playing the same crummy game eight hours a day for over a year starts to cause madness pretty damn quick.

"Leave The Bronx!" (or whatever it is actually called) is my all-time favorite episode.

that looks…
even stupider than Cloverfield?

I Love Her
So Much

Reliable after all these years.
Batman: The Animated Series and my Super Nintendo.

Hope I Can Go
I really want to go to the Castro for Shanghai with Bogdonavich but I'm flying back from Korea the day before and am convinced I would just pass out from jet lag and quiet darkness. Every time I've been to that theater, the showings are very quiet*.

How can you not love her?
She brought every kind of sandwich in the world… and a cake!

"killing defenseless Javas"

Joey Slotnick…
… returns to Must-See TV Thursday years later to seek vengeance for the premature cancellation of 'The Single Guy.'

Full Color Sex & Violence…. You know, for kids…
I had all these reprints back in the early 90's and they were so awesome its probably why I never really got into other comics.

Stupid Questions
Was anyone as relieved as I was that Minnie Driver was not required to do any comedic heavy lifting? Or light lifting? Also, Minnie Driver, WTF?

Family Guy
I always wondered why JLH told Peter she was in "The Devil and Daniel Webster."

Yeah Gimme Those Diamonds!
"Yeah pour some more blood on them, yeah, gimme them blood diamonds!"

Speaking of Merit Badges
When I was a counselor at a Boy Scout camp in high school, the cook would leave on the weekends when the campers were gone, and our boss fed us MRE's that he picked up at an Army-Navy Surplus store.

And The Departed "If those Puerto Ricans knew anything then they wouldn't be… PUERTO RICANS!"

Mishima: A Life In Four Chapters is available on Netflix instant watch, and is a superb film with a mesmerizing Glass score.

Coen Brothers
Coen Brothers

Nobody in Oakland buys Meth. Not bragging or anything. When I lived in Davis, near Sacramento and out in the country more, there was Meth floating around here or there.