Lt. Leonard Diamond

A lawyer who went to law school? A woman defensively boasting about a past achievement of dubious veracity? A contractor with a gigantic house and a trophy wife who can afford to lend a friend of 30 years 20 grand?

Madame Weaver
I was raised by VHS tapes and watched Ghostbusters and the Alien Trilogy so many times that I thought Sigourney Weaver was my mother so I've never been able to feel sexual attraction towards her; this has not adversely effected my life.

Please Don't Suck
I made a friend of mine see several movies against his will (Moon, Hurt Locker, A Serious Man) so I will have to see this movie as a quid-pro-quo. Denzel has never let me down because I avoid his movies that look terrible but I am powerful concerned about this one after I heard about the iPlotdevice.

Dog Butler
This is now number one on my 'Sitcom Props You'd Actually Want To Own' list, usurping Franklin the Puppet who himself replaced the Sword from 'Sound of Music'.

Daytime TV
When I was unemployed I earned a degree in syndicated sitcoms, and two episodes a day of "Malcolm in the Middle" for four months means I recognized this lady first as the awful mother of one of Malcolm's nerdy classmates.

James Caan
Has anyone else heard the story of him asking Anderson during filming "This is supposed to be a comedy?"?