Lt. Leonard Diamond


Sorry but you might be one of the dumb kids Patton was talking about. 

I've heard rumors that almost everybody likes Ghostbusters.  Almost.

It's called the book of 'Revelation' not 'Revelations' by the way.  My college roommate and I used to love listening to crazy AM Jesus radio on long drives and it never failed to amaze us that people who took the bible as the literal word of God nevertheless managed to fuck up the names of the books they considered

I had seen Pat Garrett and Billy The Kid before but earlier this year I got the chance to see it on the big screen and I think it's my favorite Peckinpah.




I would never accuse anyone of liking Kevin James films.

You can do homework high!
She said so enthusiastically.

I wasn't trying to be generic-hostile guy on the internet, but you called me a jackass, so I thought I would fire a volley back. You were right that I have a degree that most including myself would call 'useless' but it is not English. Alas, Malick is not my father.

@Grant: Sounds like a nut-shot would help you

@Pedant, you are right on the money.

about the revelation at the end. When the cancer became a storyline, I un-repressed the memory of the scene and was shocked that it had just sorta 'slipped my mind'

is this show still awful?

very much so

I have also seen them on the island.

Beerfest is a masterpiece. I laugh more each time I watch it.
"Can you call me Landfill too?"

Backdraft Exhibit
Blew my fucking mind as a kid! The whole goddamn room catches fire! Its hot as shit when its happening but its over pretty quick. I went to Universal Studios when the Jurassic Park ride was new, and the line for Backdraft was still really long, like over 90 minutes.

Wee Pals
This strip used to run in the Bay Area when I was a kid; not sure if it still does. You are on the money about how terrible it was. The guy who drew it lived locally because he used to visit schools all the time. I think he might have come to my school once but I think I skipped the assembly. What a