Then again, there's the Boba Fett song I wrote:…
Then again, there's the Boba Fett song I wrote:…
I watch more TV than anyone I know (in real life, not you guys). Then I go run at the gym to prevent the dreaded TV-fat-disease. Sometimes I watch TV while I run. Long story short, science is lying this time folks.
This show might take place in the not-too-distant-future when prudes
stop keeping the man from getting drunk in any town of his choosing.
The Old Man and the Sea started out as a Long John Silver's menu…it got much longer, but not much more interesting.
Counterpoint: Buns.
This is a comment for the A.V. Club staff. I want "My T.V. Club" back. I am tired of wading through 100 articles I don't care about to find a review of the shows I like. Yes, everyone always complains when ANY website gets a redesign, but this isn't a complaint about your redesign. I actually think the website looks…
This comment is directly for the A.V. Club staff. I want "My T.V. Club" back. I am tired of wading through 100 articles I don't care about to find a review of the shows I like. Yes, everyone always complains when ANY website gets a redesign, but this isn't a complaint about your redesign. I actually think the website…
This is a comment directly for the A.V. Club staff. I want "My T.V. Club" back. I am tired of wading through 100 articles I don't care about to find a review of the shows I like. Yes, everyone always complains when ANY website gets a redesign, but this isn't a complaint about your redesign. I actually think the…
This is a comment directly for Todd, Erik, Sonia, and the rest of the A.V. Club staff. I want "My T.V. Club" back. I am tired of wading through 100 articles I don't care about to find a review of the shows I like. Yes, everyone always complains when ANY website gets a redesign, but this isn't a complaint about your…
I think it means Hunky Dory. Apes-Ma must really love new Simpsons.
Long ago, I decided that argument of when the Simpsons started sucking should have a more palpable and easily verified location. I will accept anything from seasons 1 through 13 because after that, they switched from handdrawn to computerdrawn animation. I can now tell if I want to watch purely based on the graphic…
Generally diseases don't reanimate the dead either. This show has a lot of flaws, but I'm willing to let their disease science fly.
They have enough trouble giving any character development to the half dozen characters they intend to. We can't expect them to give lines to other people as well, can we?
They hinted at it pretty heavily throughout the episode (who would have thought The Walking Dead writers could be so heavy-handed, AMIRIGHT!?), so my best guess is that Rick watched the first half of the episode and picked up on all the foreshadowing.
The only reason I have cable is because Comcast told me I can pay $55 for just 12mbps internet or $40 for 24mbps internet plus cable and HBO. I'm not great at math, but I jumped at the second choice like a goober.
They really aren't comparable though. Breaking Bad is art. Walking dead is a poorly-written drama with a big budget for action and set pieces. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy both shows, but Walking Dead is bad tv disguised as good tv.
It doesn't destroy a good friendship. My best friend has lived 3 hours away for a year and we talk almost daily. I dated a girl who lived 5 hours away for over 2 years, and we made it work. Thanks to technology (possibly E.R.I.C.), you can maintain a quality friendship or relationship at any distance.
I think it will be a great thing for the show, much like when the show lost Mark. Chris is constantly funny, but really only has 2 jokes. Health and positivity. He is more used as space-filler when they need a quick joke than as a character who requires growth and stories. His jokes will be missed, but he will be…
Erik Adams, how embarrassing for you. The first Treehouse of Horror did fly under the moniker "The Simpsons' Halloween Special" in season 2 of the show, however, it was later renamed "Treehouse of Horror I". There were no previous Halloween specials before that, and there are only 24 (counting this year) Halloween…
Impossible. The resulting paradox would summon a sharknado. Clearly Walt, Jr. will loop back in time, change his name to Hank, work at the DEA, marry his aunt, thus BECOMING Hank.