Garry Marshall

Look for my new version of Happy Days this fall on FOX! It's set in the 80's! With Joshua Jackson as the Fonz!

Look for my new version of Happy Days this fall on FOX! It's set in the 80's! With Joshua Jackson as the Fonz!

Listen, there were talks. Let's just say the actor was difficult, and leave it at that.

Listen, there were talks. Let's just say the actor was difficult, and leave it at that.

Sure you do! How else would you hear it?

Sure you do! How else would you hear it?

Oh, you didn't have a brother or two who disappeared one day? Well, it happened all the time in the fifties! People didn't make a big deal about those things back then! Kids went missing all the time, and there was none of this milk carton crap. The family looked to the future!

Oh, you didn't have a brother or two who disappeared one day? Well, it happened all the time in the fifties! People didn't make a big deal about those things back then! Kids went missing all the time, and there was none of this milk carton crap. The family looked to the future!

Listen, no disrespect to Norm, but you wanna talk about changing television, you come talk to me. Do you know how many kids got library cards because of Fonzie? A lot, that's how many! And we had a black kid on Happy Days, too! Sticks! He played the drums!

Listen, no disrespect to Norm, but you wanna talk about changing television, you come talk to me. Do you know how many kids got library cards because of Fonzie? A lot, that's how many! And we had a black kid on Happy Days, too! Sticks! He played the drums!

Beyond Belief was inspired by an episode of Happy Days! When Howard and Marion met a vampire that time!

Beyond Belief was inspired by an episode of Happy Days! When Howard and Marion met a vampire that time!

What, there's a guy imitating me now? Yeah, that's what you want: some fazool calling himself Garry Marshall directing your project.  That's not gonna get you a Beaches or a Pretty Woman, I'll tell you that!

What, there's a guy imitating me now? Yeah, that's what you want: some fazool calling himself Garry Marshall directing your project.  That's not gonna get you a Beaches or a Pretty Woman, I'll tell you that!

I don't work with kids or animals!

I don't work with kids or animals!

What failure? We made over $140 million on a $56 million budget, sonny!  New Year's Eve put a new sauna in my pool house! You should have such failure!

What failure? We made over $140 million on a $56 million budget, sonny!  New Year's Eve put a new sauna in my pool house! You should have such failure!

Same to you!

Oh, Marone, this guy. Why couldn't I have listened to Marion Ross and hired that nice Clooney boy?