In Australia your merit badges (achievement badges) go on your shirt, but on the side of the sleeves. The idea of a scout sash seems weird to me. Wouldn't it catch on things when you are hiking through forests and stuff?
In Australia your merit badges (achievement badges) go on your shirt, but on the side of the sleeves. The idea of a scout sash seems weird to me. Wouldn't it catch on things when you are hiking through forests and stuff?
Seeing John live in Melbourne next week. Saw Andy Zaltzmann live earlier in the year. This is turning into an exceptional year for live comedy in Australia.
Sorry, I'm going to be that history correcting guy.
I love the moral of A Supposedly Fun Thing. I love how ballsy Consider The Lobster is considering where he published it. I listen to This Is Water on Youtube every so often. But for a self-contained beautiful piece of writing I love the opening chapter of Infinite Jest.
You wonder if he's worried that Comedy Central / Jon Stewart have so far made zero effort to suggest that there is any continuity between the Jon Stewart and Trevor Noah shows. Every loves Jon, but surely it would help Noah if the succession was presented a bit more as "it's still The Daily Show" and less as the end…
Yep, same with Eddie Murphy in Bowfinger. "At last, he's back!" Oh wait…
I saw the trailer for this with my 8 year old son. His verdict: "That looks stupid." I believe it's the first time he's critically dismissed a trailer. They grow up so fast!
Or so the Germans would have us believe.
Wasn't there one where Jerry locks his door and you just hear the thump as Kramer slides into it?
I know that non-competes can often be void, but does that void the whole contract or just the non-compete?
I have a couple of the exact shirts Jared wore this season. He evidently shops at Uniqlo, which is completely consistent with his character.
Love the concept. I recall one of Bill Bryson's books pointing out that the same guy, Charles Kettering, invented both leaded petrol and CFCs. He deserves a double episode.
I wouldn't say ability is a minor issue: nepotism is only a factor in a relatively small number of hires. But those cases stand out because the market for graduate lawyers is so scarily competitive that if even one person from your annual intake is there because of who their father is, it means someone pretty great…
I'm a lawyer and in my experience nepotism is more effective in firms than you think, particularly when you're starting out.
Looking back, Chuck's trying to convince Jimmy not to use the McGill name makes a lot more sense. Imagine the shame of having the family name used by your not-a-real-lawyer brother.
This is the key change, the fabulous key change,
It's a standard device to stop us sounding mundane,
This is the key change, the fabulous key change,
And now we've done it once, we needn't do it again
My kids made me take them to see this last week. Pidgin-English speaking alien meets incredibly articulate 12 year old girl who survives alien abduction and can drive a car. It is unbelievably formulaic. Everyone learns valuable lessons about some fucking thing or other. The kids loved it. The best thing I can say…
Sure, *Hamlin* probably has half a dozen of them and rotates them, but Jimmy only has one. Although maybe he saves it just for days when he needs to piss off Hamlin.
170s wool for a business suit? That thing's not going to last too long, especially if he wears it every day. And you certainly don't want to be climbing a billboard in it. You want 120s tops. Right on with the MOP buttons though.
Doctor Who does a similar thing, but at least it can set some scenes in the TARDIS every week and every so often it re-uses a setting or a regular guest character.