
Nobody was "unceremoniously erased from Star Wars canon when Disney bought Lucasfilm."

I didn't really appreciate how vicious, horrendous, racist, and vile this story was until I read the AV Club article.

This is The A.V. Club. You can just say "…brandishing Sting and his Vibranium shield.

Awww she thinks 27 is old.

I know right? I hate it when men, women, or just any human shows up in movies, it's such a cliche race.

Yeah, this is exempt from regular spoiler ethics. It's too huge to keep secret and too compelling not to talk about it.

To be fair, he warns you in the first paragraph what kind of a read you're in for. If you made it through this sentence:

Yeah the sequence of events was fuzzy and defy a clear interpretation; I'm surprised more people aren't talking about that today. Your theory is the best thing I can think of to justify it being presented so confusingly.

>If someone turned evil, it wasn’t because they stumbled upon a magic spell or something similar.

>If someone turned evil, it wasn’t because they stumbled upon a magic spell or something similar.

But does she want to fuck her husband or not?

Your bro must have been older than you. By the time I knew what a gang bang was I was long done playing with toys.

I would occasionally get knock-off GI Joes from relatives or neighbors. They came several to pack and were cheap as dirt. So I played with them along with my regular Joes and when it came time to blow something up, it was the knock-offs who sacrificed their little plastic lives for some firecracker mayhem.

Let's diagram.

As I read this, I was thinking about how one of the era's legacies was a decade of self-definition by way of condescension toward reality television. People love to tell you how smart they are by how much they hate reality TV.

If this were imgur, that comment would read:

What's AVCAD?

I don't understand what The Vision is doing in this GIF, just like I didn't understand what he was doing in the airport fight.

The books have the Mountain's head sent off somewhere, while the show makes it more obvious that Qyburn is Frankensteining the Mountain.

Anybody else wonder what the hell The Vision was doing during the airport fight?