
>but if you gather all of them together along with the Gauntlet

Yeah the glove itself has no power or rarity. No need to keep it locked up.

Because you're being an asshat.

I don't understand why Jimmy's solution isn't simply, "You can't cancel day-of or once the shoot has already started."

It answered almost nothing, and so much of what was answered didn't make sense or was an obvious reversal of earlier intentions.

Also, comic Thanos is an enjoyable villain. He's as smart as he is powerful; he defeats half those Elders by out-thinking them… how can you not root for this guy? He's a villain worthy of the entire Marvel heroes team — not just because he's bad-ass, but because he's flawed. His love is unrequited. His chief

PewDiePie's the Nascar of the internet.

Eh Warlock's absence doesn't bother me. He's not particularly likable or relatable, so nothing lost there. He doesn't connect to any of the main characters in a meaningful way. If anything, substituting Vision in the Warlock role tightens the story. Vision already has half of Warlock's biography, anyway: A

The biggest character still missing is Thanos. Playful, intellectual, adventurous, devoted Thanos.

I will murder your family.

Yeah I have no idea. The full video has a little bit more happen in it, if smiling at the camera and making a weird knock gesture can be considered happening.

Which one is it? I thought at first is was Astoria Blvd by 31st street but it's not.

In this thread: People who are proud they don't like Chipotle.

Welcome to the AV Club, Katie Rife! For future reference: We know who The Gregory Brothers are. We know Schmoyoho (accent on the "yo") wants us to buy his Songify app, and we know that these debate songs are from the Auto-tune the News people. Also we don't think of 2010 as the early days of youtube.

There's the perception of exploitation, but the product is legit. And do you know of any other job where a college kid can actually make $40 an hour in their spare time?

I, too, have a lovely core cutlery set with one mis-matched white knife. (Ditched the blue zipper bag years ago)

We all have our favorites and some are sure to be missing. But no Murrys? No O'Keefes? I expected to load the map and see a big zig-zag across the continent representing the Austins' road trip from Moon By Night, but there's no L'Engle of any kind.

Dear god, thank you for leading with Potato Oles. They are, quite simply, the best thing fast food has ever produced. Other restaurants will make outrageous claims like "It's Taco Tuesday" but those of us who *know* are like "Not without Potato Oles, bitch."

He has a knack for casting actors who don't handle his dialogue well. Lindsay Crouse reads his lines like petrified wood, and even Bill Macy sounds like a robot when doing Mamet's line repetition thing. But listen to Mamet's words just pour out of Alec Baldwin's mouth — and I'm not even talking about Glengarry Glen

Really? I saw it in college accidentally and couldn't look away. Four friends and I were getting their apartment ready for a party with some random tv station on in the background. One by one we each abandoned cleaning and sat down to just watch the movie that was showing. We didn't know the name but recognized