
Did anyone reading this actually laugh?

How can a bit about Rob Lowe character names not even mention Sam Seaborn?

Eh he took a stab, definitely somebody's named Peter.

"..but I confess to sometimes tuning out a little during these climaxes,
in part because whoever’s in the director’s chair seems to tune out,
too, ceding their awe-and-wonder responsibilities to the CG team."

You're deliberately missing the point. "Gamers," as Dikachu is obviously using it, does NOT refer to casual playing of those types of games.

Buy her gold plating for the hooks she uses to keep her perpetually snear/smirked face in place?

Is this the same asshole who does Smarter Every Day?

Thanks for registering, Louis!

Criminally absent from this list is Steven Johnson's "Everything Bad is Good for You: How Today's Popular Culture Is Actually Making Us Smarter."

Agreed. The problem is her derision, not her analysis.

It's worth noting that that list was added yesterday, possibly as a response to the Mel article. IMDB doesn't give much detail how the list was compiled, just "according to ratings from women on IMDb," which is vague.

He's not saying that it would be impossible or even difficult to satisfy them. He's saying that asserting those two things is an integral part of your argument, and NOT asserting them makes your outrage suspect or misplaced.

The controversy isn't over anyone "willfully excluded," but that the the absence of people of color speaks to an intolerable systemic problem.

Arch and the Fat Pam

When you were a *kid?* How young do you think AV Club readership is?

I don't understand the name of the company. Is it Moving Picture dot Com? Moving Picture Com? Moving Picture Company? There is literally no where on their site (moving-picture.com) that says.

> In any case, I think I've made my meaning plain.

> it would seem that it's actually the worst medium possible for sweeping "mythology"-powered epics.

Where did you get "top one percent to destroy Earth and live in space?"

They said it on the football game?