
People admire you for your convictions.

Early Tom was fine; an apathetic government employee hustling, networking, and trying to get his. But one day, out of the blue (maybe the start of season 2?), he got kooky and whiny (literally saying "eeeeeeee" all the time). Donna and Jerry benefited from bringing the performers' personas to bear on the character……

Completely true. But I'll take a Neelix subplot over a Paris any week.

Couldn't agree more about Ann Perkins. Delightful actor; fit the ensemble less and less as the show progressed. They really wanted the show to be about the two women's relationship, but the Leslie/Ron dynamic turned out to be the hidden heart of the show.

Isn't Duchovny a much bigger star than Anderson?

To be fair, it's probably not hard at any speed to follow a plot that's just exploding cars

"lumbering ooh-rah male weepie" are not words that make sense to me in that order.

You're right about the fervor, wrong about the reasons.

You can just say "Ahmed Best" in the headline. We know who that is, we're from the internet.

Is anyone able to view the article that's linked? I just get redirected to a blank page at forbes.com/welcome.

Whoever made the decision at Hasbro is probably confused as fuck. "But we made the fourth piece a black guy! A BLACK guy! And now we're in trouble??"

They also released production stills with no Kylo Ren helmet well in advance of the movie. His face was never a secret and has nothing to do with spoilers. This is not related to the Rey issue at all.

>but was still front and center in the buildup to the movie.

Seriously tho yall did real good with Star Wars, now stop giving away what's coming in Making a Murderer.

I really enjoyed rereading this exchange from a couple years back.

Wow pizza prices havent changed much since 1993.

I wonder what else they examined. Did they ask if omitting periods made the texter look less intelligent? Made the texts harder to read? How long were the texts, and how was readability preserved?

Your Sesame Street appearances these days are basically anti-cookie propaganda, CM.


That is why you fail