
Why is there no volume control on the soundcloud player? It's louder than any other source on my computer and just woke up my GF.

I got my translation of your analogy wrong. It would be like saying "Stars sure are hot today" when you're talking about the sun.

Sorry, I'll spell it out for you.

"That star sure is hot today."

Mrs. Miller's Crossing

Mrs. Miller's Crossing

Well, you can't "quibble" over something that clear cut. "Two" is no more "a few" than the "sun" is the "moon." Sure, they're both shining lights in the sky, but the similarities end there; you can't use the words interchangeably.

I feel exactly the same way about Picasso. Fuck that guy for exploring and experimenting with recurring themes and motifs.

You mean two? Two years back?

At least the speeder girl isn't named "Fay."

April as Ro is genius. Andy is a sort of reverse Data. If the artist were better with faces, Tom could have Geordi's visor. But Donna is Worf, obviously.

Cute, but none of the faces look like the actors except Ron. You can do better, internet.

I think that every time I see a flyer for a Shakespeare play.

I'd like to see reviews that are more analysis, insight, and evaluation than plot description.

I only clicked this article for the New Jersey jokes. Sorely disappointed.

"I can't put that there!"

How can you be so obtuse? Is it deliberate?

Um, sorry to get all sciencey on you, but the giant crab is not love or any of the other 4 fundamental forces of the universe, and therefore certainly can not travel backward in time.

You're thinking of Nora Ephron.

At least they got The Quantum Data out of the black hole.