
I read it as "Lovin' leads to hatin'." Or "Lovin', then hatin'."

The juxtaposition of a Robert Pattinson movie with "Jingle All the Way 2" has no sting.

The headline of this article is completely false.

Yeah, this one was rough. I stopped reading halfway through and looked up a regular article on this just so I knew what had actually happened.

Though it's telling when not preceded by "Great script!" or "Great acting!"

I was excited about this article when I thought it would be about their racing merits.

What 80s game required you play for many hours in one sitting?

"Lady to this breast I know but one
Fair rival. To the heart beneath it, none."

Out of the Silent Planet is fairly straight forward interplanetary sci-fi with the hierarchy of spiritual beings mapped onto celestial sci-fi tropes.

"I pray because I'm helpless. I pray because the need flows out of me, waking and sleeping. It doesn't change God. It changes me."

If I'm understanding you correctly, I think you may have misread the movie (or play). Lewis is set up as the comfortable know-it-all, who never asks a question he doesn't know the answer to. Midway through, Joy gets angry at him for this and for controlling the people around him to never challenge him. Shadowlands is

I think that's a misconception caused by how they treated religion in their writing and public image. While inescapably intelligent and complex in his theology, Lewis's christian writings were populist. He was practically an evangelist and routinely gave lectures in churches.

Space contracts along the direction of travel as you approach light speed; obviously that picture was taken on board the Falcon as it made a lateral course correction.

For me, the magic combo was the two .ca's and theplatform.com. Thanks for narrowing it down.

Can someone please advise me which of these 30 websites I need to allow on my script-blocker to see the video?

You seem to think people are missing your point, but they're not. They just don't completely agree with you. For me, the dangers of a post-Pizzolatto series make its prospects dubious, and I repeat, "A fourth season should not be a forgone conclusion."

Regardless of story continuity and installment format, PA7 is an example of "extending a brand" mentality, where quality falls drastically when done more for money and less because anyone involved has passion or vision.

Hey if you liked Police Academy 7 as much as the the original, then you go girl.

At that point you're just extending a brand.What I liked about True Detective was the vision brought by Nic Pizzolatto, and I'm excited to see what he tries next.

The Simpsons look extra yellow in these shots.