Cremains of the Day

The name might be terrible, but it successfully circumvents my office's site blocker, so it works for me. Apparently the word "game" is prohibited, but the name "gameological" is just fine…probably because it isn't a real word.

Or this one. Best video ever.

Clonecest: is wrong

Professor or Astrid?

So, when I "like" your comment, is it like I'm slapping you through the internet?

The Black Pearl Necklace


I never really got Brazil until I got my first office job, which was at a university. Suddenly I was filling out nonsensical paperwork in triplicate and everything became clear.

For the longest time, I thought Phantom of the Paradise was a figment of my imagination. Now I kinda wish it still was; my imagination would be much more entertaining if it was all DePalma all the time.

I think you mean "ji-ra-do".

Seems So is a great track! I admit, though the Apples are one of my favorite bands, I think they are more of a singles band than an album band. New Magnetic Wonder is stuffed with little Robert Schneider doodle tracks, but it also has some killer pop numbers. Same Old Drag is one of my top 10 songs of anything.


Marshmallow Coast! Yes!!! I thought I was the only person in the world who owned that album. It's the one of the best snowy day albums ever.


I, for one, am looking forward to catching Robo-Geisha on a weekly basis.

Only when used as a morning tonic following an evening spent guzzling Green Swizzle Woosters.

I misread your typo as "the Lincoln Monorail" and thought, "Dang, how did I miss that when I was in Washington?!"

Somewhere in the world, a yarn store probably exists with this very name.

I have a rule for not dating men with breasts.

That sounds like the best dream ever! I wonder if I can will myself into having that same dream…