Cremains of the Day

I also agree. Viewing a block of episodes in quick succession allows you to get a better grasp of the show as a cohesive whole. The reason certain shows have become my favorites is that I have been able to appreciate the craft of the show to its fullest extent, usually as a result of dvd/streaming binge. If there is a

Try FMA Brotherhood (the more recent series) first. The older series was completed before the end of the manga, so its ending is…creative.

I too would like to know more. How can running not suck?

Right there with you. We tried to watch it the other day and couldn't get through it. The characters are really cute, but the pacing is way too slow for such a hackneyed plot. I love Henson productions, but this one was a real disappointment.

Yes! Thank you for bringing that up. The idea of repetition comes up so frequently in his work, but I didn't consciously recognize that it applied to the work itself. My favorite short story of his is "Sleep", which of course is about both repetition and disruption of a pattern.

God, I would watch Rain in anything.

Right? I hope Bill Willingham and his lawyer are getting on this post-haste.


Me too, actually. Speedy recovery, Hayden.

Really? Citations, please!

I'm only a little embarrassed to admit that Sokka was my first inappropriate animated crush.