The Pope of Chilitown

Wherever you look, there we are…

I'd say that's about par for the course.

Me want food!

The Red Ball Express…

That's my only beef too, when their lack of interest/annoyance is emanating off of them and resulting in bad service.*

Like chicken tonight?

To eat pot edibles with, obvs.

He's a great example of my favorite types of character actors. You can't exactly call them handsome by conventional standards, but they almost always have interesting faces, not run-of-the-mill Joe Schmoe looks like mine.

What if…just hear me out man…what if we're all in an app right now! Think about it, maaaan!

ah yes, thank you!

I think I just had what alcoholics refer to as a moment of clarity. We know that greyscale can be cured now. We know that greyscale makes your skin as hard as stone. Sam gets word to Jon about the cure, they work up some greyscale-bombs to be deployed by the living, breathing B-52's over the countryside so everyone

Completely amazing. Seeing him talk in person just further enhances what a ridiculously great acting job he did as Joffrey.

With his intro coming at night, of course.

This week was their greatest feat yet- They made it clear to the complete other side of Westeros, in what, a week or two? Maybe there's a Panama Canal equivalent through the middle of the country that we just haven't heard about?

"And all along, myself had faith in…myself!"

I'm hoping against hope we'll get one of these for Jon and Tyrion training to ride the dragons…

It bugged the hell out of me how quickly and easily they took out Doran and Areo Hotah.

I think I'm getting exposition from the book and show crossed up, but it's been mentioned a couple of times that dragons are just as intelligent as people in a way, and it's also been mentioned that you can't warg into a normal person because they're aware of it (unlike Hodor, who was simple), so he probably wouldn't

As far as Dany knows, doesn't Jon have 3 dead brothers? Did poor Rickon get forgotten one last time even in death, or did she somehow find out that Bran is alive and I missed it?

A fine spread of spotted dick, clotted cream and blood pudding. Are there really even any other answers?