The Pope of Chilitown

I guess in my mind, Tywin is (was):

Definitely not heavily suggested. Jon is heavily suggested, to the point of being pretty obvious. People making the case for Tyrion are seeing what they want to see.

That's why I can't buy into the Tyrion Targaryen thing. Plus, that's horrible alliteration.

Same- I also think Tywin was way too sharp for something like that to get by him. He would have killed Joanna to preserve the honor of House Lannister. If not that because he loved her THAT much, then at the very least he would have actually thrown Tyrion in the ocean like he said he wanted to.

You bring up a great point that I think the showrunners don't want us thinking about. Maester Cressen killed himself waaay back in Season 2 trying to take Melissandre out. Something tells me the Citadel didn't send a replacement maester to Dragonstone when Stannis was in open rebellion against the crown.

Wow, I'm sorry. I have heard/read several times that's just about the worst physical pain a person can go through.

Please- It's Meryn Fucking Trant.

Well, it IS coarse and does get everywhere…

Question- Do The Shins change his life?

Dammit, I assume this holds true for Cherry Zero as well. I try to keep my soda intake to a couple cans a week tops, but when I do it's either Zero or Cherry Zero.

Aces again Will.

"also, start smoking weed."

Trying to shoot two bows at one time, obvs.

Which sword are we talking about?

Anecdotal I know, but just in my immediate social circle there are 4 couples who were high school sweethearts. We're not kids either, they're all mid- to late forties and still together.

Ah, beat me to it…

"I have a .45 and a shovel, I doubt anyone would miss you that much."

Whenever Paul Rudd's age/looks disconnect comes up, I feel obligated to make the Jon Hamm comparison and point out that Rudd is 2 years older than Hamm. My brain just can't parse that.

See all that stuff in there? That's why your robot didn't work.

If Green Lantern hadn't been such a shit-show, we probably wouldn't have gotten Deadpool, they would have locked Renolds up for sequel after sequel…