The Pope of Chilitown

Dammit, when I first read the opening paragraph, I read the second sentence as: "(Wiseau told Entertainment Weekly in 2008 that some of the money came from important leather jackets from Korea, but he won’t say beyond that.)".

The only way to be sure is if they have a transition shot of the Bronx mountain range.

Jeff Bridges turned into Steve Miller so gradually that I never even noticed.

I see Big Avacado has already gotten to people on here…

The movie from my comics label is superior to the movie from your comics label!

Ugh, so much flute-playing during the transition shots of Will riding the T…

This just in- Sun to rise in the east tomorrow morning…

That's a great way to put it- overly-earnest. The score drives me crazy any time I see it now too, it's just so…indie.

That Robert Heinlein, he had some…ideas.

Perfectly example is the scene in Boiler Room when all of those jagoffs are sitting in the empty mansion quoting Wall Street word-for-word as they're watching it.

I don't usually do "favorites", but I find it interesting that 2 of the few I have are both here. L.A. Confidential is unequivocally my favorite movie and Robert Forster in Jackie Brown is probably my favorite individual performance in any movie.

"Yo, yo! How's it hangin' everybody?"

You must be crazy

Does New York make a cameo? Asking for Generic Indie Kid.

I took a date to see this when we were home from college one weekend. She sobbed so uncontrollably at the end I was actually embarrassed.

No, stay strong, it's going to be good!

And if that political tool is easy on the eyes and a good person, then so much the better…

I was a little worried last week when they unveiled it, but then the giant arrow hits Drogon and…it's really not that giant when it's stuck in an enormous freaking dragon. It was great seeing the regular arrows just bounce off of him as well.

I love saying "there's no there there". It's so opaque yet so simple.

Not even on par-5's?