The Pope of Chilitown

A very solid action pic. My one gripe is at the beginning where they're listing the stats of the football players he has to go up against, and they're all ridiculously low. They list his as something like 6'4", 225 lbs. He probably hit 225 lbs. his freshman year of high school and hasn't seen it since. I am a

I am not a fan of South Park at all, but man is Team America good.

I don't even mind the word manure.
It's newer, which is good, and a ma in front of it.

No, totally different. You just have to go with the fact that obviously not-young Joe Pesci (and everyone else in the movie) are playing younger versions of themselves for a stretch, but the characters age as the story progresses. Whatever age Vinny Gambini is supposed to be in Vinny, we're locked in for the duration.

I say if the Simpson's quote fits, use it.

This seems like a classic SNL skit stretched to feature-length idea to me…the idea is kind of amusing…I guess. But a full movie of it? Then again, Your Highness cracked me up, so what the hell do I know.

One thing that's always bothered me about this movie. Just how young is Pesci supposed to be in it? They obviously tried to young him up as much as they could, and Hollywood never shies away from the older guy-younger girl dynamic, but there's only so much you can do when you look like Joe Pesci.

It's gone from passé retro kitsch to novel retro camp.

"I'll have a vanilla… one of those vanilla bullshit things."

So what you're saying is…you don't have a tattoo of Taz in his whirlwind while holding a cue stick?

"Do We Defeat Trueman?!"

Now we know who she's nailin'…

Bravo on the very solid letter-play in the first paragraph, that's great.

Don't forget the zoot suits. They're everywhere!

He must have been gripping a couple of the carcasses really tightly…

You couldn't fool your mother on the foolingest day of your life if you had an electrified fooling machine.

Reluctantly upvoted

When you put the conjoined triangles of success together, what do you get? That's right, a square.

I'm all for anything legal that comes up because that means more Matt McCoy, and possibly Ben Feldman as well.

His unexpected awkward laugh when Erlich is pitching the company vision and calls Dropbox 'Dripbox' was perfection.