The Pope of Chilitown

She was. She's changing her image.

I think we all forget about 'walking distance' too. My work is 25 miles from my house. It's generally 40 - 50 minutes depending on traffic. Walking at a steady average pace without stopping (also assuming easy, flat terrain), it would take me over 8 hours to walk. Walking 25 miles is FAR. A measly 100 miles is a

I was hoping the briefcase from Ronin would be in it, then the briefcase from Pulp Fiction inside of that.

That's really good, I fully support this.

Its non-euclidean proportions are beyond what my fragile human mind can comprehend.


"The 7th, or maybe 8th fastest person alive" just doesn't have the same ring to it.

Just a guess, knowing the obvious ways the writers work, but probably having something to do with being 'cold-hearted'…

I like (read: was really annoyed by) how Caitlin's evil cold powers also make her voice evil-y tingly-sounding.

More like Savitard, amirite?

I've seen this line of thinking about William's "affair" being one of the factors in the wife's suicide a couple of times now, and if that were the case, that would actually be evidence against William being the MIB. When William and Logan first get off the train, Logan made a comment about how his sister "rode her

It was probably when you said you had to go warsh your hands.

One thing they always miss too- If you're going to make it sound real, those disappearing r's have a habit of reappearing where they shouldn't. Pizzer, Ameriker, Pameler Anderson.

Couldn't agree more. It's seeming more and more obvious that we're seeing a couple different time periods, as well as Bernard probably being modeled after Arnold, but I have yet to see anything that would make me think William is the MIB. If anything, the MIB's speech made me even more sure that they're not the same

Irregardless, you make a good point. I feel the same way to.

I know it's only a year later on the show, but I'd like to think that she's going to keep getting stronger as she gets older too. One of the small things I loved about Waid and Ross's Kingdom Come was that older Superman had gotten so invulnerable from spending a lifetime absorbing the yellow sun rays that kryponite

Sunshine Superman was already taken.

Call me a superhero purist if you will, but when the entire premise of your show centers around a super-powered alien who fights bad guys, I'm less than thrilled when time is spent on non-superpowered vigilantes. Especially ones whose motivation derives from their extremely flimsy camera being broken.

I finally figured it out, it's been so simple and right in front of us the whole time-
