The Pope of Chilitown

Belichek didn't even vote.

He would make a pretty good Q though…

And that right there is exactly what he's talking about…

Question for everybody else reading this review- In the top picture, does he say "Aw, shucks" immediately before, or just after this picture was taken?

That's crazy that his name is actually Officer Downe, 'cause it sounds like when a police officer goes down in the line of duty and they say "Officer down!"….ahhhh, now I get it.

Everything on this list is completely bland and inoffensive except High Life, that stuff is truly vile.

'He appears twice in the episode: once to choke a stockbroker to death
and the second time to distract Team Flash while Doctor Alchemy works
his spell on Wally. He is defeated by car headlights.'

No Mad Men question??

I had newfound respect for Billy after his dead-on Alec-as-Jack on 30 Rock, it was amazing.

I guess I have conflicted feelings on the matter. While I do admire the dedication of a guy like him, I also want to say "Dude, lighten up! No, I will not call you Mr. Lincoln, how about a Fresca?" It almost seems more noble in a way for the Michael Caines and Malcolm McDowalls to take whatever comes down the pike,

Ashamedly upvoted

Mannequins scare me even more than clowns. Pretty much the only recurring nightmare I had as a kid was of mannequins coming to life.

My older daughter and I continually argue about the term "Vine star", but with this, I win!

This isn't about Texas, but another equally ridiculous unjustifiable pride in when you're from story. In college I did the Disney internship at Walt Disney World, and there was a group of extreme New Yawkers. A bunch of us were all out at a bar one night and one of the New York guys shouts out "I LOVE BEING DRUNK AND

And then of course the car going up in flames as the coup de grace.

I have to add some more love for the whole sequence- Martin seeing Candy as the devil as they're between the trucks, Martin's fingers being stuck in the dashboard and the physical comedy of him removing them, seeing the steering wheel bent over as Candy straightens up….It's all gold.

For the everyday folks who are the majority of the population of a movie production, a movie like this is just about the ideal I would say.

"Yeah! How would he know?"

When I saw that quickly at first, I thought it was 'female libations'. I think that might be interesting to see Bride of Frankenstein enjoying a nice oak-free Chardonnay…

I've never had any doubt, but there was still plenty of "maybe he's a special kind of host" theorizing going around…