The Pope of Chilitown

'But first I need you to tell me to believe in myself!'

I get what you're saying, but the issue was still there when it was actually young Flynn in the flashbacks with Sam and when Clu went bad. Anyway, my post wasn't to bash when his mouth moved, it was to say how impressed I was with the overall effect, it was really well done.

That is 'No-Prize' worthy!

'Clu' looked amazing until he moved his mouth, then it fell apart.

I will be disappointed if any of the employees turn out to be hosts, it's just way too much of easy 'twist' at this point.

Unless I go to one of the bigger package stores with tons of variety, I'm usually defeated when I try to find a new beer to try because they all make a point of showcasing the hops, and I end up just getting the same stuff I always get.


I respect that more than the actors who will only appear in things they think are "suitable" enough. Work's work, and whether it's Shakespeare or Jaws IV, they're still getting paid to act.

Another favorite is 'Well, I guess we're going to be friends after all. Richard.' I love his change in voice when he calls him Richard instead of Dick that one time.

The best, most charismatic group of bad guys ever put on film.

'the dated, awful Michael Kamen/Eric Clapton/David Sanborn blues-noodle/sax-tootle score'

“As I said in my non-hit movie Cruise Boat, I am gettin' too old for this ship”.

Upvoted for describing people as 'salty'. I love the old polite terms for dirty/vulgar/etc like that, and will now take this opportunity to note that you were working blue in bringing up BDSM.

I hope they're not going to pull a bait and…line?

It reminds me of the Smokey and The Bandit-era 70's outlook. "We're going to help out this quite probably extremely dangerous man who is actively trying to escape the authorities, 'cause we're stickin it to the man! Hyuk"

Turner? I couldn't even Reacher!

Then you get the "What? I'm just throwing it out there." or "I'm just sayin'" as if it absolves them somehow.

It's so shitty that I even have to bring this up- Have you seen/heard the commericals for the TigerLady? It seems like a good, discreet self-defense tool that is designed to collect DNA should it come to that…

If the climax of every episode was Barry talking about the deep feels to come to a non-violent solution with the villain of the week, he would be one kick-ass superhero instead of needing a mid-fight pep talk or asking how fast he needs to go.

More like the Hole Truth, amirite??