The Pope of Chilitown

There was an amazing old infographic on The Onion back in the day that I've never been able to find again that had names of British ships that had been destroyed by German U-Boats. I wish I could remember all of them, but the two that are forever burned in my memory are the HMS Tiggy-Winkle and the HMS Wet-Nurse.

That's the first time I've ever seen anything go wrong with one of your posts.

I'm leaning back in my office chair and steepling my fingers right now…

That is fantastic. I hope I can get some recipes in the second edition…

I was able to get my hands on an AV Club interoffice memo- Here are some of the new features coming as part of the "Supper Club":

With freaking chest cavities that could open up to imprison people!

Who wants a frosty bottle of Yo Joe Cola?

UPDATE: The AVClub is now the the Food/Mara Wilson Club.

My favorite was always the Snow-Job one- "Get that kid off of my ice you fucking wankers"

It came in a special packaged set with the Boba Fett whose missle fired.

That opening music for the original Spider-Man cartoon is one of the great theme songs ever. I hope everyone who clicked on the vid above enjoys having it in their heads the rest of the day, I know I will.

I hope you weren't paid by the word for this one Marah.

I think it's because people just like describing something as Lovecraft-ian

Just like the guys who always could do the most pull-ups for the fitness test in gym class. Always the smaller, wirier guys.

What's that aboot?

Bacon and poutine-flavored chips sounds amazing. Any time I encounter poutine down here (which is all too rare) I have to order it.

'Suprise! Son?'

On the night of Joseph's conception, Arnold said 'I'll be bareback'.

As far as unexpected switcheroos go, that's not a bad one. Arnold's charisma is on full display in it, you can see how he became such a big star.