The Pope of Chilitown

I was able to get my hands on an AV Club interoffice memo- Here are some of the new features coming as part of the "Supper Club":

I approve this message

Pac Man cereal was the absolute BEST, and I still miss it. A perfect combination of Kix-like corn puffs with marshmellows. There was an MLB-branded cereal when I was college that came the closest to replicating the formula.

RIP the Hawaiian, at least in my neck of the woods. A perfect combination of pineapple, coconut and banana, but Dairy Queen doesn't carry the coconut flakes anymore.

This seems like the right time and place to finally go public with a long-held gripe of mine about Undiscovered Country. When they're having their diplomatic dinner with the Klingons and Chekov says something about "Inalienable human rights" and the Chancellor's daughter takes offense. I know it's written that way for

That reminds me of the old Vulcan proverb- "Only Nixon could go to China"

So true- You have your Richard Pryors, your Eddie Murphys and…dammit.

The one part of the movie that I didn't love.

Exactly. Even though I'm well into "adulthood" at this point, i can't help but think of it in those terms…

I miss the chilito.

Consider me the turd in the punch bowl- While nice, I consider Fall to be the Sunday of the seasons. It should be perfectly nice on its own, but in the back of your mind you know that Monday/Winter is around the corner, so you don't TRULY enjoy it like Summer/Saturday.

It's going to be a bad year for it this year, it's been so damn dry. The trees are already starting to give up some leaves and we just hit September.

That plus their fries are tough to beat. My kids get a kick out of the build-your-own drink machines too.

"Let's go save that planet Captain, but first let me finish my Pon Farr™ cigarette. Only Pon Farr™ cigarettes give me the calm, steady nerves I need to be my most logical when dealing with a crisis."

There's only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures and the Dutch.

Something tells me he's a believer in the old military idiom "Sometimes good enough is good enough".

With it, you too can give short shrift to the main antagonist in your life.

Like chewing gum after you've eaten peanuts.

Look at me actually knowing what's going on out there for once- The DOJ actually realized what a shit show private prisons are.

I'm with you- It wasn't bad necessarily, it was…fine.