The Pope of Chilitown

My joke with my coworkers is that anyone within my age range is "normal aged".

Why is she so sad?

You'd pick the pale Englishman every time!

The beautiful Manhattan Mountain Range has never looked so good on film.

For a fairly benign-sounding name, they managed to get a lot of mileage out of good 'ole Liz Lemon.

It's like his Superbowl, Nobel Prize, or insert whatever other pinnacle of any field you like…

The editing of movies for time on commerical channels drives me NUTS.

I heard the working title for this one was Diminishing Returns.

Isn't that bad enough though?

The hour's approaching, just give it your best
And you've got to reach your prime
That's when you need to put yourself to the test
And show us a passage of time

Those opening chords are the absolute epitome of '80's music montage'

Now you're talking. I angrily demand that the station be changed right the hell NOW if I even hear one note of it.

Bite your tongue!

I loved the perspective, seeing just how tiny the people are looking up at these creatures.

Super nerdy I know, but I get chills every time you first see the light and think "Where's that light coming from? Is it coming from his tail? It's coming from his tail!" and then you see it travel up his back before he unleashes…

'Ham-handed' was coined to describe dialogue like his.

He's never not good, but he was particularly awesome as Boss Tweed in Gangs of New York.


In the hands of someone who has a handle on how real people actually think and talk, I think the pieces were there for a good movie for Chasing Amy. Instead we got the "Chasing Amy speech" delivered by the man himself.

I wish I could give him a downvote by proxy through you, that's absolutely horrible.