The Pope of Chilitown

'even if the characters they’re playing rarely seem like real teenagers.
The Colleens are a 46-year-old man’s idea of how adolescents talk and

Kal Penn is Nic Cage's son?!

I wonder if she's as mad at her father for naming her after a fucking Batman character as I am?

In other breaking news, sun to rise in the east, set in the west today…

Somebody get Hank Kingsley on the phone.

Maybe it's all those people whose first experience is with the disgusting pulpy or from concentrate stuff, not realizing that the not-from-concentrate pulp-free nectar of the gods was right there the whole time!

Salient points both.

Ditto- I has assumed it already came and went.

Had no idea until now that she was Cynthia Cosgrove née Baxter on Mad Men.

One lens is plate glass, the other is empty

"It'll change your life, I swear"

I'll upvote this type of joke at any time, at any place.

Anyone who's ever been near a paper mill knows the resultant aroma is no joke. Whenever we would visit my great aunt who lived near one in Maine, I always tried to hold my breath as long as I could as we drove by.

Anyone who's ever been near a paper mill knows the resultant aroma is no joke. Whenever we would visit my great aunt who lived near one in Maine, I always tried to hold my breath as long as I could as we drove by.

I freaking love their horrible synchronized opening statement in the courtroom.

Not gonna lie, I haven't looked forward to a new series like I am for this in quite a while.

Any time Robert Smigel is doing Triumph on Howard Stern, Howard always gets him to laugh, and it gets me every time.

We should write a think piece about it.

It's problematic.

I think it's sort of by necessity- From a realistic (MCU-realistic, not real realistic) standpoint, once Thor shows up to any conflict, that conflict should end quickly. A nigh-invulnerable, near-immortal being who can fly, shoot lightning and give-and-take punches with the Hulk doesn't make for long, drawn out