The Pope of Chilitown

Thor hanging Mjolnir on the coat rack brought the house down when I saw it in the theater.

"Darryl here is helping me craft an electronic letter".

That's what I've been wondering too. Did he really get banned? I guess I'm not on here that much, but I never really saw him get offensive? Huge caveat: It's entirely possible he did, but whenever I saw him commenting in articles that I was, it was always pretty innocuous…

"Milpool" is one of my all-time favorite moments from The Simpsons, and for me that's really saying something.

I think that's one of the reasons I don't love The Sandlot, I feel like the voice-over apes Stand By Me/Wonder Years just a little too much. Negative points also for having grown-up voice and grown-up actor (Arliss Howard) be different people. I never understood why they did that.

With special guest appearance by Jerome Flynn to sing "The Dornishman's Wife"

I just want to see it for the scenes they filmed near me.

Come on, Timothy Zahn wrote some decent stories in there…

How about midichlorians? If they give people magic powers, surely they can do other stuff too.

I'd kind of like a disclaimer to that effect for all of the sci-fi wonks anytime there's a space battle/explosion/whatever.

And the subject of a great anecdote from Kurt Fuller -

Paul Rudd is 2 years older than Jon Hamm. Even when I write it out like that, it doesn't seem possible.

Hedaya is absolute gold in it.

Amen, I was 3 years into college for crissakes.

I think that could be why it's still my favorite song from them, it hasn't been used into infinity. Also because it sounds like they're saying "there's a bathroom on the right"

That's what I was left with- My daughter and her friend really liked it, which is obviously a big plus. But there were several scenes that were clearly supposed to be big laugh-getters that didn't do much for me.

So far every time I've gotten a glimpse of the Flash's costume, I can't help but be reminded of Captain Freedom's new costume in the Running Man.


In real life he sounds just like Keith David right?

Looks like Gwendolyn Christie and Tom Wlaschiha got into mom's make-up case before their auditions…