The Pope of Chilitown

Yes, we read about Connie Mason in Playboy…

So, ah, there it is.

How about the non-euclidean geometry?

The 13th Warrior- underrated

I mean, say what you want about Norton being difficult, but at least he has his game face on for pics with a fan…

She was so good in Raiders it made it that much more sad to see her in Crystal Skull with a "I'm just happy to be here" look on her face the whole time.

We had the "Creature Double Feature" on Saturday afternoons on TV56 in New England…

It's one of those movies, where if it happens to be on, I'll stop and watch for a few minutes. I'll be flipping around later and it's still on. I fall asleep with the TV on, and when I wake up, it's STILL on…

I love Outland, very underrated.

When they were casting the love interest for Temple of Doom, the notes from the studio said they wanted to replace "spirited and tough" with "shrill and one-note".

That is fantastic

Escape from New York and Mad Max are both iconic obviously, but Raiders is like Mt. Rushmore-level iconic. It's a different level. It's one of a very few movies that I consider a "perfect" movie, like Back to the Future

I just mentioned this yesterday in Craig Clark's The Howling piece on Run The Series. The #1 action movie star of 1981 by a mile was Albert Finney. As if Looker and Wolfen weren't enough, he was also in Loophole, a movie about a bank heist, co-starring with Martin Sheen.

In my hometown, I had that one friend most of us seem to have that is super quiet and reserved normally, but get a couple of drinks in them and they totally transform, so the joke was that he went from Mr. Hekyll to Dr. Jive.

John Travolta isn't sure either

110%! I was going to include a disclaimer that I meant it completely unironically, but then I felt like I'd be over-explaining. Alas, here I am…

Hah, nope. I actually re-watched a few years ago, its plot doesn't hold up to the gentlest of summer breezes…

True story: When I was a kid, I envisioned that God looked like Gordon, presumably due to g-o-d being in the first 4 letters of "Gordon"…

It's so dense, every single illustration has so many things going on.

I thought I'd been around awhile but apparently not long enough, I had no idea! Nicely done.