Professor Boredom

Larry The Code-Shifting Guy

Bonus points if you do it at the amusement park Carowinds, which has the state line running through the middle of it: http://www.themeparkreview….

Try giving directions an hour northwest, in Hickory:

(starts humming to himself) Yaa tsi tsup ari dik ari dull an dik ari dill an dits tan dool / la dippyduppy dull la roop uttyroopy la goorigan goook aya gittygangool

Replying to an old comment of yours so I don't junk up the Lucky Logan review: holy shit I had no idea that TNG's Moriarty and Niles were the same actor! That's crazy!

Or ask for change from a hundred.

Ladies and gentleman, it is with a heavy heart but no small amount of pride I announce that now, with this review, I can stop posting "Racing Arizona" on every single article about this movie.

Racing Arizona

It's interesting reading through these comments oldest to newest. At first, it's all poptimism, all "this sounds crazy and awesome and who cares about the plot or performances as long as the movie is dumb fun?" (I left one of those myself.)

UPDATE: Oof, I should have listened to the review. What a drag this film was.

Slightly off-topic, but: Overwatch nerds, do we have an explanation for the S in SAMF? I assume it's supposed to be "sexy" but I've never really heard one way or the other and it feels a little awkward in a way that Blizzard usually isn't.

That would actually be kind of amazing. Like 24 but a sitcom? I'd watch it just for novelty's sake.

Are you sitting down? I've got some bad news for you.

I am!?

A sequel to My Cousin Vinny set in the wacky world of U.K. law is a movie Jay Sherman would be reviewing at the top of a Critic episode.

Just pretend that The Ranch is a show about Stick and his two kids working a cattle ranch. Different actor, but close enough.

So do they actually start being even a little bit pleasant to each other at some point? Because the trailers have all indulged in the "character drama = all the good guys shitting on each other" trope that's so common in genre fiction that aspires to edginess.

If you build a death trap, put people in it, and then those people die, you're completely responsible for their deaths. 100%. Ethically and legally.