Professor Boredom

Yeah, I just fixed it but for posterity, my comment originally ended with:

Yeah, I just fixed it but for posterity, my comment originally ended with:

OG AV Club account holder signing out.

OG AV Club account holder signing out.

Back when Hulu had the Criterion Collection and little else in the way of movies, Věra Chytilová’s Daisies was always in the Most Popular Movies section. Presumably this was because desperate horndogs saw the two girls on the cover and thought there was a chance the movie had some girl-on-girl action.

I feel like every few years another team of developers have to learn the lesson that games and movies are different; that games are "lean forward" experiences and movies are "sit back."

The description of the gameplay makes it sound like it was created by folks who have never played an interactive fiction game yet nevertheless think making one is easy.

Off-topic, but I was watching this America's Test Kitchen video last night and all the ovens in the background reminded me of your avatar: https://ibb.co/hDyuzv

As "Professor Boredom" I have to say I love a good academic citation joke…

There's something really charming about how slow it is, and how old everyone is, and how there's a solid chunk in the middle that's closer to a PBS Mystery series set at a retirement home than a spy thriller.

Mea culpa…I wasn't aware of the critical reevaluation that the Colonel mentions below.

Bond is the least essential of the mega-franchises, I think. It's too weighted down by its own history, with the primary goal of each new installment to echo as closely as possible all the previous ones.

Preferably that courtroom from Encounter At Fairpoint.

In other news:

S3 love triangle: will Rebecca choose Josh Groban or Michael Bublé?

The header photo makes it look like this was news to David Tennant. "Uh, I am?"

Honestly his "real" accent sounds more like the Southerners I know than his character accent.

"I would describe this look as a '3 AM hotel fire alarm' ensemble…"