Professor Boredom

I thought the news bit was funny and biting, but there were crickets from the audience. Weird.

Back in the early 2000s, a comedian / writer friend of mine was temporarily a bit down on her luck and so got a job sweetening the banter on a regional morning zoo crew. You know how Howard has folks slipping him material during the show? Like that, but not open about it like Stern.

Seriously. Aldi is like shopping at the DMV.

Ha ha, holy shit!

Dead Teenagers: an anthology series shot in a faux-documentary style as a series of interviews with teenagers in the Afterlife…how they lived and how they died.

A meta-anthology series where each episode focuses on a different member of a Screenwriting class who each has their own idea for an anthology series

I Get That A Lot: every episode, a new story about a normal person with the same name as a celebrity.

r/writingprompts: The Series

George Washington's Journey: an anthology series tracing the path of a single dollar bill as it makes its way around the city, the country, and the world…

Thirteen people are stuck in the tourist elevator leading to the top of the Empire State Building. Each of them have a story, and these 13 episodes reveal what brought each of them to the skyscraper that day…

An anthology series where each episode focuses on a different person whose last name is also a color. They couldn't be more different, but they all have one thing in common: an encounter with a mysterious entity known only as Roy G. Biv…

Ah, to be so successful that no one can stop me from bringing to life all the dumb half-baked ideas I should be stopped from doing.

A friend of mine was a struggling actor who booked a gig doing a reenactment on America's Most Wanted. His payment came in two parts: a check for the performance and then, when the show aired, a five day per diem covering food deliveries, video rentals, etc. He was expected to lay low for five days after the episode

I'm glad Walking On The Sun gets mentioned in the context of how refreshing and genuinely exciting it was to hear a song like that on the radio in 1997.

Dr. Jones is great, too.

I've always found that "all around the world statues crumble for me" line in Fly to be oddly compelling. Too bad the rest of the song sounds like McGrath is literally making it up as he sings.

I'll only believe that 83% number if it turns out the affirmative choice wasn't "yes" but "eh, sure."

Imagine what you'd find in the walls of a house owned by Mark Z. Danielewski…

It's crazy how quickly some movies come together. We just heard that this MIGHT be happening a couple months ago, and now we have a director, a Hellboy, a villian, etc.