Antonius Block Party

"He put death in a Johnny Jump-up!"

Manos, the… Hands of Fate.

Inception. What with the levels and the tasks and the cover-based shooting.

That's absolutely fascinating.

My mom grew up as the only Jew in an industrial town in Michigan. When Vatican II happened, she remembers that all the little Catholic kids came up to her and very solemnly said, "The Pope forgave you for killing Jesus. That doesn't mean you can play with us, but we just wanted you to know."

Go crazy?

No dice.

I'd prefer not to, thank you. *Shudder*

Maybe I just haven't been watching enough action movies lately, but the gore in Valhalla Rising really put me off. That first fight where he's smashing that guy's face in and there's been no setup or explanation of why I should care just made me want to turn it off. I don't actually want to see someone beat someone

Even More Scenes From a Marriage

Jean Claude Van Dam?

What also stood out to me about Cost of Livin' in comparison to the other singles above was the fact that it was the only song with any naturalism at all in the vocals. That is to say, it's the only song out of those above where the dynamics and expression hadn't been completely smashed out of the vocals due to

I normally just avert my eyes and spit whenever I meet someone who's from SoCal. That's the only way to avoid the evil eye.

Peter Lorre in M.

One day they might end up saving You, Me, and Everyone We Know

No, but my comment does imply that I'm a little mixed up. Clearly, Ingrid was not in Persona. Ingmar Bergman directed it, and my mushy, mushy brain performed a switcheroo with the names. I meant Bibi Andersson. A jacked to the balls Bibi Andersson.

It's an open secret in the film industry that the best performances in film history were all enhanced.

When he hits one from range, it stays hit.

Alas, poor Hamburglar! I knew him, Captain Crook, a fellow of infinite
jest, of most excellent fancy. He hath bore me on his back a
thousand times, and now how abhorr'd in my imagination it is!
My gorge rises at it.