Antonius Block Party

Also in the old testament, to make an oath to someone you're supposed to put your hand under their thigh and speak your peace. It's assumed that you can't lie if you've got your hands on someone's stones.

The actual story is arguably more bizarre.

I'm just Blue Turtlin' here, but don't you think it would be fun if it was?

I was in that audience! Is there anything in particular we could have done to be less obnoxious? Not trying to sound shitty, I'm just curious what about the audience made the podcast weaker, in your opinion.

Immediately heard that in his voice. Excellent story A+ would read again.

But that dude had two guns! TWO GUNS!!!!!!

"Volcanic eruptions are like a storm, raging inside you."

I got Mia :(

Da ba da ba dee-bee-oo-bee-da, doo ba dah, dee-bee-lee-oo dah, dee-bee-lee-oo dah.

Da ba da ba dee-bee-oo-bee-da, doo ba dah, dee-bee-lee-oo dah, dee-bee-lee-oo dah.

Both scenes are incredible, and clearly improvised. There was barely a script to this movie at all, it seemed like. It reeks of someone being really really good at one thing assuming that that ability will allow them to just waltz through a completely different discipline.

Both scenes are incredible, and clearly improvised. There was barely a script to this movie at all, it seemed like. It reeks of someone being really really good at one thing assuming that that ability will allow them to just waltz through a completely different discipline.

The violence was pretty disconcerting, in some scenes. Like, saying Tae Kwon Do will bring harmony to the world is one thing, but fairly early on in the movie YK Kim absolutely wrecks a dude's neck with a lead pipe. It cracks open and sprays blood all over the fucking place. Is that just the first step in world peace,

The violence was pretty disconcerting, in some scenes. Like, saying Tae Kwon Do will bring harmony to the world is one thing, but fairly early on in the movie YK Kim absolutely wrecks a dude's neck with a lead pipe. It cracks open and sprays blood all over the fucking place. Is that just the first step in world peace,

What's in the letter? Huh? What's in the letter? What's in the letter? Just tell us what's in the letter!

What's in the letter? Huh? What's in the letter? What's in the letter? Just tell us what's in the letter!

My favorite line was when the silly beardo with the sharktooth earring confronts his sister and the gangly Patrick Carney-looking dude and she says that he's just a friend. Beardo gives the most ridiculous line reading ever of "A FRIEND!?" I had to pause it and get out the giggles.

My favorite line was when the silly beardo with the sharktooth earring confronts his sister and the gangly Patrick Carney-looking dude and she says that he's just a friend. Beardo gives the most ridiculous line reading ever of "A FRIEND!?" I had to pause it and get out the giggles.

At first you might think that the movie can't possibly live up to that poster. It totally does, though. It totally does.

At first you might think that the movie can't possibly live up to that poster. It totally does, though. It totally does.