
Not exactly comparing them really, Both shows were mentioned above and Mr. Robot got included in the "nonsensical horseshit" category, so I thought it should be said that it is not, and that they are both awesome shows.

SORRY. But yeah, Check it out, It is a fine show.

I fail to see how Mr. Robot is often "Terribly Written", But then again I try not to over-analyze television, More so television that is as "hyper real" and ultra stylized like Hannibal, and Mr. Robot. But in any case, Mr. Robot is just far more compelling to me, and I itch to see more of it when an episode ends. I


Sorry, but Mr. Robot is easily as great (better in my own personal opinion) Than Hannibal, It is the best show on TV right now. Either way, No matter which you feel is "better", Mr. Robot is quite an artistic, Ambitious, and compelling show that I would like to think a fan of Hannibal would enjoy a lot. It would be a

This is TWD after all, Isn't "bloated" it's thing? Let's take what should be a 8-10 episode season and make it 16 hours long, and split it up into 2 "half seasons"? Seriously, The Walking Dead has more filler than any show I have ever seen.

Also, Ever since the pilot, The Walking Dead has had this really dull and stale look to it, Which is just weird considering it is the highest rated show on AMC, and cable, But every other show on AMC looks BETTER than it does as far as cinematic quality goes. This show looks a lot better to me than TWD, Maybe it is

Totally agree about this being a blast and an awesome season. I don't care what anyone says, I watch a ton of television drama. I love it. I devote a lot of time to keeping up with good TV and True Detective is one show that stands head and shoulders above a lot of other shows for keeping my curiosity and excitement

I do not get some of the criticism going around about the whole "Paul struggling with his sexuality" thing, Do people really believe that Homophobia is nonexistent right now? Because it exists, Everywhere. Not only that, But there are plenty of Gay men trying so desperately hard to be straight, Right now, This very

This may be one of my favorite episodes of True Detective period, Along with last weeks episode. Each episode has gotten better and better this season and I think it is a damn good season of TV plain and simple. That is all.

I think he actually made up for it years ago with a pretty damn stellar performance in a film seemingly no one has seen called Monument Ave. I mean I could honestly care less about who ripped off who in stand up comedy so none of that matters to me, I think Leary has a good screen presence which has shown in a few

Having the right isn't really the issue, Nor is posting an opinion, I don't care that some people don't like it, I am not particularly crazy about some aspects myself, But I think it is plenty good and decent enough. That said I am more referring to the people I have seen that constantly bash it, and not in a

Except the season is fine, And no one is being forced to watch it after 4 weeks if they do not want to, So yeah, I think they actually are complaining to complain, And will be here week 8, Talking about the finale, and how it didn't suddenly turn into the Godfather after 8 weeks and turn their Television into a Golden

I mean I completely understand some people not liking the show now, Even though I feel it is the same show essentially like with the murder mystery and cop stuff, It is different as far as the "vibe" they are going for with this one I guess, Which I could see turning some people off. Personally, I really enjoy the

Actually it really wasn't to me, It was just a standard above average well made premium cable show that happened to have Mcconaughey at the absolute peak of his resurgence and most buzzworthy, and happened to get blown WAY out of proportion in the media like it was the second coming of Christ, Therefor making anything

Oh, No doubt about it. This shootout scene would be praised to hell and back right now if it wasn't True Detective.

I agree, I mean yeah it isn't the second coming of Deadwood or something but Jesus, does it have to be? It is still well made as shit, well acted, and entertaining. That alone warrants at least a solid B or more to me. Maybe I just don't look into a show like this as much as some people, I just think it is one of

Definitely, I honestly can't believe this got rated lower than any other episode this season, last week got a B+ and it just was not as good as this episode, I don't care, That finale of this episode was the most engaging and tense thing this season has done so far, Much like last season's fourth episode, I really

I am 100% percent confident that if it said "directed by Cari Fukunaga" at the beginning of every episode this season, Everyone would be going "YEP HE HAS STILL GOT THE TOUCH OMG!" I am also just as confident that if this season was not True Detective and instead was "RANDOM ASS HBO SHOW" on HBO created by RANDOM ASS

Ahhhhhh "B-" This episode was so obviously better than last week, That final sequence warranted a higher grade than last week, seriously. It was pretty damn well directed and had a lot of intensity. I really don't get how this episode would not be the highest graded episode of the season so far, It was by far the most