
This is awesome news. Justified is gone, one of the best shows ever and I miss the hell out of it, And Hell On Wheels, Which became a pretty rock solid western adventure after the very uneven and somewhat batshit first two seasons, and has been damn enjoyable and entertaining, will soon be gone as well. There just has

He is in more scenes in the trailer so I figure he is alive.

I thought this episode was a lot better than the first, B+ That is all.

Oh man i always loved the ending to Brotherhood. Just the image of Michael in that Trailer Park was great as he walks away from the payphone. Yeah, I was sort of reminded of Freddie Cork in a way though during the bar scene in the TD premiere. Not because of any kind of dialogue or action, Just for some reason Frank

Oh, No doubt about that. They are serious about it…

Oh yeah, Now that you mention it, His character really is pretty similar to Michael. He has an underlying goodness somewhere in his psyche that you can sort of see, But it is drowned out by the terrible acts he commits when he attempts to act on that goodness, If that makes sense. Like the way he responds to his son

Just re-watched this, and I have to say it is growing on me, I mean i thought it was fine the first time but I think I actually like it pretty well now. The only thing i didn't like was that final scene with the detectives staring at each other way too intensely with that very on the nose song, Then the bar scene was

Oh i agree, While I liked the episode overall and find it pretty solid for an opener. That song, and just the final scene between the 3 detectives I thought was way overdone and just over the top. I will chalk that up to Lin just being Lin though and hope it levels out after the first couple of episodes.

The days before air user grade with like 30 or more votes says it all for me. There is seriously no justifying that in any way, That is just completely blind following, Whoever these culprits are.

I believe it was the local newspaper reporter or whatever that had run the first of an 8 part series profiling corruption in Vinci, That Seymon wanted "dealt with" before his name ended up coming up.

Hey Michael Caffee, We were just talking about Brotherhood past couple of days. Was it just me, or during the flashback scene when Velcoro went into the bar to get the info from Seymon about his wife's rapist, When Seymon was sitting at the bar in that leather jacket did it bring Freddie Cork to mind at all? I swear I

"Critics Consensus: True Detective's second season stands on it's own as a solid police drama, with memorable moments and resonant relationships outweighing predictable plot twists"

Yeah, I really hate that lack of humor argument. It is like everything ever made requires humor. I will take my True Detective Dark as fucking fuck with a side of brooding and a side of my fucking life sucks fucking ass please.

Actually, it is not uncommon for red haired children to come from non-redheaded parents. A family can carry the gene and go decades without a red headed child, And then randomly have one. I have seen this occur myself. Not to mention though the whole rapist thing, He could have easily had red hair. But yeah, Doesn't


Fanboy- Someone who endorses common logic such as using your own mind. Got it.

He was listed I thought? I know he was in the end credits, Not sure about the opening.

Ok, This was solid and I am so happy to say that. I would give it a B, It was sort of uneven at first just like some have said but by episodes end it really started to come together. It is WAY different than the first I feel and I like that, It shows a lot of promise and I am excited to see where it goes. Of course it

Also a good laugh, It has had a C user grade on AV Club, For 3 days now.

Yeah Justified is definitely a masterpiece. It has been way under-appreciated, But i hope that after time it ends up being a cult show and gaining more respect, Like The Wire and Deadwood did.