
Wait, someone actually giving Nic Pizzolatto credit for his own show being good and not crediting everyone BUT him? OMG.

OK, we get it. You blindly dislike the guy just like most seem to (For some reason). I do not know the guy, so I can't say if I would like or dislike him, but I do know one thing… The guy is a GOOD writer. Read his novel Galveston, or any number of his short stories, or just the script for True Detective. If you are

Man i am loving this show. I am loving it so much in fact, that I am already sad about it ending. It is very entertaining and well written, and acted. I love all of Jim Mickle and Nick Damici's work. Just watched episode 3 (Available on demand) and it was excellent.

Well damn. This show is actually pretty damn solid. Nice surprise. I am liking it a lot so far. Entertaining as I expected, but actually has a lot more subtlety and good character stuff than I expected. I thought it would basically be an entertaining but kind of dumb show. So far though, past the surface, it has some

Yeah, the writing was just so bad I guess, that almost every network worth a damn, the networks behind THE definition of quality modern TV drama, HBO, AMC, fx, Showtime, etc…ALL engaged into a bidding war based on the first 2 scripts.

Honestly, the hiring a few writers to help isn't a bad idea. Doing an 8 episode series every year with a completely new story by yourself would be extremely difficult for anyone and it is just a lot of burden to put on one person. But, he needs to stay showrunner. True Detective is his show plain and simple and

NO. More like this review gets lost in it's own stupid ass…….STUPIDNESS!!!!


Wow, I not so respectfully disagree with this grade. Pilot was great.

My thoughts exactly. the first episode where I thought "ok this can be something" was Thing in the pit, and the second half of the season just became a thrill ride and never looked back, loved every minute after that.

God I love this show. One of the best shows on TV hands down. I thought it was funny how divisive it was when it premiered last year, then again, anything half way unique usually is. I really, really hope this show goes all the way, I really don't want this to be another Carnivale situation (RIP)

Man, True Detective is really turning into my drug addict friend who I keep having to defend after he steals people's shit. JUST LEAVE HIM ALONE! HE'S NOT THAT BAD!

Yes, I have told many people to start Spartacus, Then they come back to me like "I watched the pilot, I didn't like it at all" etc….and I always have to BEG them to keep going, Then a week later they thank me. I do not recommend anyone miss out on Spartacus, one of the greatest entertainment experiences ever if you

He is amazing in Brotherhood, Another great role of his is in the Sidney Lumet film "Before The Devil Knows You're Dead" Which I highly recommend. Also I always liked the Antoine Fuqua movie Brooklyn's Finest, It isn't Training Day, but I think it is a pretty solid movie with great performances.

SUTTER and complete crap*

"The Poorly Executed" You could say, Or maybe "That Bastard Sutter"

I agree, This pilot was ungodly bad. It is 100 percent completely just not engaging, Looks cheap, the acting is extremely wooden, The plot is very predictable and overall just not good, and it is just plain bland and dull. I love these historical drama period pieces. I mean, I really do. I have watched many kind of

Any of them but this one, for sure. This show next to Game Of Thrones is about like a Diamond ring next to a Ring Pop covered in dirt. Personally, I recommend Spartacus first, It is extremely entertaining and fun as hell to watch, Just be sure to give it a couple of episodes to find it's footing. Vikings is pretty fun

That CGI ax in the opening credits is just glorious. Sutter, You know what is "cool" like no other. You have crafted a masterpiece of nuance and subtlety. There is one thing that I think could make this show even better though, I mean it could just really kick it up a notch. We really need an SOA style kick in the

Can we stop having the community grade going before shows even air? It is pretty embarrassing……..That said, I do not have very high hopes for this show, and Am almost scared to watch it, In fear of it being decent and getting me to watch it, Then turning into a clusterfuck of batshit ridiculousness just like SOA.