
No Demon Knight? That was always an underrated fun as hell horror movie to me.

Man actually it is kind of hard to say, I don't know if I could truly list them haha. I know that a few of my all time favorites though are definitely, Deadwood, the Sopranos, The Wire, Six feet under, Breaking Bad, Carnivale (Also underrated I feel), The Shield, Lost (I know it gets a bad rep thanks to it's last

Oh man, Brotherhood is great. I am a fan. I own all 3 seasons. Such a criminally underwatched show. I noticed your username was Michael Caffee ha. That is about my top 5 in different order maybe, But yeah pretty much the same give or take, All shows I love definitely.

Yeah, I am also inclined to like this I believe, From everything I have read, Positive, and negative, It sounds like it takes a lot from Chinatown, LA Confidential, etc…and I have heard mentions of Michael Mann all over, and even some mentions of Lynch, So all of that excites me greatly. I guess this will all depend

There has been some very positive reviews I have seen, Maybe not rave, But definitely closer to it than anything. Deadline, NY Daily News, RogerEbert.com, Daily telegraph, etc…And also some smaller publications I have seen. And yeah it is far from "panned" more like generally positive reception to slightly "mixed".

I know, How ridiculous and sad.

Leonard Cohen-Nevermind. And, For the record I think this season will be fine. Not as great as one, But perfectly solid and entertaining in it's own right probably.

I have seen a lot of reviews compare this season to Mann, and that excites me to no end.

Yep, Not sure in what capacity but we will see I guess.

True, I agree that it really needed a send off, But at the same time I personally find "Tell Him Something Pretty" to be oddly fitting in a way with the rest of the series, and works as an ending in this weird way to me.

I really dislike this "backlash" mentality. Yeah, he may very well be a douche but saying he deserves zero credit for this show is ridiculous. He is the reason it exists and I would hate to live in a world without that first season. I don't care how cool it becomes to down it or retract praise for it, It is a well

Deadwood is THE greatest show ever made in my opinion, And yes I include The Wire in that. Deadwood by a mile, I have never seen a show with such beautiful, Vulgar, and poetic dialogue, Masterful performances from every single cast member down to the most minor characters, Just brilliant. I hate that The Wire has

No, But it has Dan Dority.

I know, You rarely see a show with such conflicting opinions and so much debate. That is why I think even if this season actually does end up not being great (personally I think it will be good, Just not season one good maybe) It will definitely be an exciting and entertaining experience.

Valid point, And I must say sometimes it does have to be that way in today's crowded TV landscape. I am more saying that just because someone reviews something and doesn't like it, That doesn't mean you won't, But yes, A lot of times reviews can be pretty accurate and give you an overall idea of something. I usually

Yeah, Also there are plenty of positive reviews so far, with some even very positive, Enough anyways to show that this is not a for sure disappointment. I am also going to judge for myself, But I am pretty sure we will get a solidly made and entertaining season of TV, and personally that is all I want from it really.

Oh I plan on it, I never abandoned the show, I actually like it very much, I was just stating my opinion on the procedural aspect, But overall I think it is an excellent show. Especially for network TV.

Oh I am not saying it is a bad thing exactly, Just that I feel it gets in the way at times, But I do like the show a lot and am certainly planning on watching season 3, and beyond.

Deadline actually raves about it, and so does Slate pretty much. I have read a lot of other reviews ranging from "decent" to "pretty or really good" as well. I think it is safe to say there is no predicting if this will be great, So people should really see for themselves. I personally think it will not match season

I have to say I still think season one of TD is superior to Hannibal, even though I like Hannibal, I just do not get it's over the top hype. It is beautiful looking and has strong performances but I still feel like it relies kind of heavily on "story of the week" network TV trappings, At least from the 2 seasons I