
Oh, Don't let the missing kid angle throw you off, The Missing is EXCELLENT, and it portrays the feeling of losing a child better than anything I have ever seen. james Nesbitt and Frances O'connor deliver powerful performances and are just phenomenal. It is a great series in my opinion, and I hear that the second

OK, Just curious but, HOW does this have a community grade right now when it hasn't aired yet? Please tell me that people seriously do not form opinions based off of one review from one source. This seems to be a common theme around this site. Instantly agreeing with whatever it says.

Off topic, But is anyone else anticipating the return of what I think is maybe the best of these new anthology format series, The Missing? That show is just brilliant in my opinion and had just as much phenomenal directing work and powerful performances as True Detective and Fargo if you ask me. Season 2, I am not

I agree, I could never understand how someone can take the word of another person as some kind of fact anyways. This might very well be not good, and that is fine, But it also could be solid and entertaining. I have been reading the reviews today and I have read quite a few positive ones, and a few more mixed, That

There are actually quite a few positive reviews, Not that that means this will be good or whatever, But it gives me a reason to think it might be.

YES. I don't really know what the "best" premium show is right now, But I know which one is the most entertaining and fun to watch….

Ballers had gotten mostly positive reviews when I was reading about it earlier today I think. Granted, Not many reviews out but it sounds like it could be a fun show.

The Leftovers is for me, and I know it is not for everyone obviously, But to me it had a great first season and is a beautiful series overall. Also, Game Of Thrones has been great and I don't get the little mini-backlash it has had recently.

While I think this season will not "live up" to the first, I don't really think it has to and I believe it will be a solid season of TV in it's own right. I see critics are sort of divisive, But it looks like most are generally positive. I have read some reviews say this is really good or at least pretty solid so I

I was also not at all interested when i watched the first couple of episodes, But it grew on me and has turned into a nice piece of fun entertainment. Also, When I realized that Tommy is Ginger from True Detective, Mind BLOWN. What a drastic transformation considering he looks and speaks more like Tommy in real life.

Awww, Really? Guess the show is done for.

It must be pretty damn good and special. I mean, Most movies, Especially big blockbuster sequels and franchise films like Joe Dirt 2 tend to premiere in these things called Movie theaters, Where people go to pay for and watch a specific film. This one is ONLY on Crackle, It has to be great if you can only watch it in

Crackle is making a big jump for the big leagues with original content like Joe Dirt 2 looks like. This could be the one that puts them on the Netflix level of appointment viewing, it could be their House of cards.

I don't really give a shit what Vince, or any other actor (or person in general) thinks about any "hot topic" or pointless argument. Just bring on that True Detective.

Yes but it is an anthology after all, So a new but equally great in it's own way directing style is welcome and right for the show, Also I think he can definitely keep up the great writing. People can say "LIGOTTI" all they want, But that is pretty debatable and at the very least, Pizzolatto is not without A LOT of

Man, i know it might be the cool thing to do to say "I am ready to be disappointed" or "Looks alright" or whatever, But I'll be damned if this does not look great, and I mean GREAT. I can already tell any worry about the tone or mood being gone is wrong. The cast looks amazing, All of them. This might end up being

Well that is a solid strategy actually, My mistake, Continue.

I see, I hope I can someday achieve this and sit atop with the almighty. Pipe Dream I know, But there is always a shot.

Aren't some of you guys jumping the gun a bit? Aren't you supposed to wait until the first episode's AV Club score to tell you if you are allowed to like or dislike the season?

I will always maintain the opinion that The Sopranos has hands down, The greatest final scene in the history of Television. Take it any way you want it, If you fall in the Tony Dies camp with the blackness being his POV and all the clues and hints that support that, Or If you believe that it is Tony's paranoia and the