
Yeah, Same here. I have always liked him, But I have never seen him in a villain role either. He really does pull it off well.

Not really, But OK. Season 7 of Sons of Anarchy was awful, The last few seasons of Entourage were awful, Da Vinci's Demons is awful, Marco polo is awful. Justified has never been and will never be awful. just because season 5 maybe wasn't as good as season 4 or the others, That makes it awful? It was still better than

Sam Elliot is excellent in this role. It looks like he is going to add even more greatness to an already great season of a great show. Just from these first 3 episodes, If it stays the course, this season may be my favorite since season 2. Though the show is so incredibly consistent in quality, It is almost pointless

All I have to say is that this show is quite excellent and I advise anyone and everyone who loves atmospheric, complex TV drama to watch it.

I swear, Banshee defies episodic structure in every way. This season, in it's first 4 episodes, Has had some of the most insane action I have ever seen on TV and has moved at such a fast pace. Last episode, and this episode, Could have easily been acceptable season finale's. Not as in feeling concluded, But just as

I will never understand how anyone thinks Vikings is some kind of great top tier show. It is maybe a good follow up to Spartacus for pure entertainment and fun but I feel like it is a little behind Spartacus in those terms. It seems pretty standard basic cable fare to me. Granted, I do watch it and enjoy it, But I

Sorry, he is my go to "BAD" show runner.

I agree, Nip/Tuck was great I thought in the first 2 seasons. I never got around to watching further but I did like the first 2 seasons a lot. It may have something to do with the material as well. Nip/Tuck was a lot different than AHS and had a different approach (Though similar in tone I guess) Also, The Normal

I have yet to make it past episode 4 of any season of American Horror Story. Is it just me, Or does every season start out looking somewhat promising, only to fly WAY off the rails as soon as the plot starts to progress? Ryan Murphy seems to be OK with setting things up, But horrible at seeing them through. Much like

Thank god this show is back. Such a tense, engaging, beautiful show. It is without a doubt one of the very best shows on television and this season is looking to be the best yet. Keri Russel and Matthew Rhys are just excellent. The whole cast is excellent. Can't wait.

Will there be weekly reviews for Black Sails again this season, or any kind of review? I thought the show picked up and majorly improved around episode 5, the halfway point of season one. Season 2 seems to be on the right track. I think it is becoming more and more, a pretty entertaining and fun show to watch.

Is there anything better than watching Hood throw the blob down the Semi hole and watching it explode? Third time watching this episode already. It is immediately a "Banshee Classic" that I will revisit often. Along with Meet The New Boss, Wicks, The Truth About unicorns, etc…(Every banshee episode basically)

Wow! This episode was one of the best of the series, Hands down. This episode was a roller coaster ride. From minute one to the end, It was everything I love about this show. The fight scene between Burton and Nola, Everything in the back of the Semi, The shootout at the strip club, etc…Just amazing. Banshee never

I agree, I could not believe that they actually let that air. I mean the whole thing was very awful plot wise, But the effects on top of it was just….Wow. Just remembering the extremely painful task of having to finish that show and watch that final season makes me have nightmares. What can you do though, Once you

Oh man, It was just bad. The extended run times were completely ridiculous. It packed about a 3 episode arc into 12-13 hour and a half (or more) episodes, Which amounted to ZERO extra story. Just more brooding, serious stares, Crappy montage time, Juice getting raped for no reason, other people getting raped, etc…To

If anyone should have met "Mr. Mayhem" during that final season, It was definitely Kurt Sutter. For actions against the club (turning them into un-watchable, lame, garbage)

Actually, I could completely see Ava killing Boyd. But at the same time, I can just as easily see Boyd killing Ava, So who knows.

Raylan straddles the line between what is right and wrong, But I feel like he has good intentions. Boyd I think has crossed that line and in the end only cares about himself, He will do anything to anyone to wiggle his way out of something, I am quite sure at this point anyways.

There really is no telling with Justified, That is one of the best things about it. It always surprises you. I have complete faith in the writers to make the best call in the end, They always do.

Personally, I highly doubt Raylan will die. It just isn't Justified's style I don't think. It is all about Raylan. The hero. Justified has a very classic sense to it, It has always kind of had a "good triumphs over evil in the end" feeling to me. I think they will stick with that to the end.