
At least Kurt Sutter did one good deed while turning his show into an overlong, boring, pathetic, piece of garbage. It really makes you appreciate fine television like Justified that much more. For that, I thank him.

As much as I have always loved Boyd as a character, I think he is one of the greatest TV characters of all time, I know it has to come down to him and Raylan, and I know that I must choose a side. I am hoping that Raylan puts him down. I love Boyd, But it has to be done. Especially after tonight's premiere.

Last season of Justified was as great as ever in my opinion. Sure, It wasn't the absolute best of the series but it was still justified, And still better than just about everything else.

I thought this episode was much better than the premiere, which was still pretty good. I am hoping this season stays as great as last season, Which was excellent and the best season of the show so far in my opinion. Every season so far has been better than the last I think. This episode grabbed me much more than the

I was thinking the exact same thing. That a quiet episode of Banshee such as this one, Has what sounds like on paper, a full seasons worth of action for another show. These first 2 episodes have done a great job of setting the table and planting the seeds of what is sure to be a wild 3rd season. Judging from the promo

I was going to myself, But the sight of 12 Monkeys being made into a Syfy channel abomination kind of distracted me, In the worst way possible.

Nothing would please me more, than to be watching an epic Banshee action sequence, and see Gannicus, Crixus, Agron, Oenomaus, or Spartacus himself, come running into the picture to completely wreak havoc. Any Spartacus character would be completely fine with me.

Well, I think the opener was a nice set up for the season. Hopefully it will play out in a great way and be chaotic as ever. I have a feeling Banshee's end game will end up being similar to Justified with the Raylan and Boyd showdown. I think Proctor and Hood will eventually be the focus of the show, but I am thinking

I thought season 2 was pretty superior to the first. The first had the badass action scenes, and it had some nice emotional and dramatic elements, But I felt season 2 improved on all of those things. This season opener has been by far the best season opener of the show, in my opinion. It sets the table, while clearing

One of my favorite scenes last season was the scene that immediately followed Burton strangling the skinhead, Sharp, in the hospital. It was nothing more than Burton walking through a strip club, on his way to choke a stripper, Set to the tune of "Candy Girl" by Trailer Trash Tracy's. It was just a little scene, but I

"The Truth About Unicorns" was most likely my favorite episode of last season. It was just an excellent episode all around, the direction, acting, writing, everything. But really, every episode of Banshee has amazing directing and visual style. I hope that with this season the show increases in popularity and gets

True Blood when it was good anyways. Which was pretty much entirely because of Alan Ball. The Justified comparison is very accurate in my opinion, Both shows are just in worlds of their own, Apart from everything else in the best ways possible.

I was seriously going to comment on Hood's living quarters being VERY similar to Patrick Swayze's in Roadhouse…

I get the feeling that Proctor is banging anyone and everyone. When he decides to put on that exceptional charm (Or when the Bow Tie guy walks up with fishing line wrapped around his hands) they can't resist.

This is Banshee after all, Simply implying that they have been going at it is not enough. IT MUST AND WILL BE SHOWN. In glorious, glorious explicit fashion.

Oh man, Weekly Reviews, Thank you Jesus. Banshee is one of the best, most entertaining, and fun shows on television. I am so glad there is going to be some steady coverage finally. This show is very commendable in my opinion. It dedicates itself to pure entertainment and is so fun, addicting, and crazy that you have

Because TV is pure escapism. The Wire is escapism, Game Of Thrones is escapism, and True Detective is escapism no different than Sleepy Hollow, Arrow, or anything else being escapism. Sure, some things are better than others but the end result is the same. It is something to entertain you and something for you to

Spartacus is a great example of why the entire "prestige" TV ranking means nothing. That show was brilliant at being the most ridiculous, fun piece of escapism to ever grace television. At the same time it managed to somehow transcend it's shortcoming and use it's flaws as advantages while making you actually care

I totally agree with that. There is great value and pure enjoyment in all forms of Film and TV in my opinion. I enjoy complex, thought provoking TV drama's as well as Fun, Over the top, and often times somewhat silly TV drama's. And I would never want to somehow compare my enjoyment of either. Also, it is so often a

I think the whole TV ranking system is kind of flawed in general. I feel that many critics tend to not look at what a show itself is trying to accomplish. A lot of critics feel if a show is not The Wire or Mad Men, Then it is a lesser show. You have to take into account what the show is, what it does, and how well it