
The Missing is one of the best shows I have seen this year. Brilliant. Right up there with Fargo, True Detective, and anything else I can think of.

It isn't that the show is bad really, Just that it was once pretty damn good and super entertaining. Now it is just….Mediocre. Or, was. There are worse shows out there for damn sure, But they have always been shit, So they don't really matter.

Yeah that is true. Don't get me wrong, Unser is shitty as the rest of them. But I nevr really hated him. That is mainly because of my attachment to Deadwood but, still.

Sutter has effectively planted the seeds to make this ending a reality, Let's hope he see's it through. The only thing that could make this ending better, would be during that montage, The screen cuts to a close up of Sutter's face as he watches the monitor behind the scenes. Eyes wide open, blank stare, drooling,

Prediction. The final 25 minutes of the finale we find Jax still alive after his genius master plan, to get him completely out of trouble, that apparently the whole club was in on the whole time even though earlier events contradict this repeatedly, Goes through without issue. Similar to Juices ass rape scenes, We get

I didn't say Unsympathetic, I said unlikable. She is unlikable, She complained constantly and took zero action. When she finally did, she did it in a way that made her exactly like the people she was trying to get away from. She became manipulative, Conniving, and nothing like the person she started out being, Just

I have been reasonably satisfied with the past few episodes, After the extremely disappointing season leading up to it. The finale being any kind of decent pretty much hinges on Jax's death at this point. You can't have this guy live a life where he kills anyone he wants without reason and does anything he wants, And

God, I hope so. If not we could end up with a "Low Winter Sun" type situation all over again.

I understand that they would be a little stuck for a while, But not forever. At some point you MUST leave the woods and attempt to find more signs of life. The point isn't that they should be running wild all over the place, Just that they should be at the very least planning some kind of attempt to get away from an

I hope so. i really hope they do something different in the coming seasons.

I love The Walking Dead as much as anyone. I love the serialized approach to a classic zombie film, etc. It is entertaining and it has some characters that are very memorable. I am just getting tired of the same old stuff. It seems like, as good as the show gets at times and as much stuff SEEMS to be happening, There

I don't know why but I just now realized that the actress playing Dawn is the same actress that plays Jessica in Hello Ladies. I like to think it really is her and she finally landed a nice role.

So they make more of them. As long as they are half as great as this one, Who really gives a shit?

Ummm OK.

This was a damn A-perfect if I have ever seen one. I don't know that I can ever take another review here seriously now. It will take a while to build trust back after this. This movie was in short, Epic. I mean, this is the definition of what a Blockbuster should be. Smart, complex, action packed, emotional, and

I agree. I think Charlie Hunnam is a perfectly fine, well above average actor with a great, demanding screen presence. I think he gets a lot of hate by people who dislike the show now and it really isn't warranted. He doesn't write the damn thing. With what he has had to work with, Hell, I would say he has done a

Actually, pretty much every reviewer gives it a good rating. I have been disappointed with this season as the next person but, It isn't like the show isn't critically successful. On the week to week ratings on rotten Tomatoes, Most episodes this season have been in the 80's and 90's. Actually, a lot of the time, the

I am guessing after the Sons destroy Charming, Ruin everyone's lives, and murder over half the population with no interference from law enforcement, The show will end with Jax on a throne. Being carried by the remaining townspeople through the wasteland that was once Charming as he whips them with his lash and pisses

Dayton Callie in this show is just a sad performance. It kind of always has been. You can see the yearning for the days of Deadwood in his eyes.

The action sequences now are so bad. It is basically like they just have to have an action sequence and don't feel like messing with it, So they just say "Well, just chase this car and shoot a lot then the car will run into this ditch and you guys can walk and smoke and look tough towards it"