
It should be a requirement to have appeared on SVU and Oz.

More of a madcap antics type situation.

Needs more Weimaraner.


Did anyone else notice lingering looks in two scenes? Between Nero and Adriana (I can't be bothered to remember The Junkie's name) and then a stomach-turning, Oh Please Don't with Juice and Gemma. I really hope this is some Sutter foreshadowing, because come on, full trainwreck!

A bad neighborhood indeed when a woman can't let three Men of the Cloth film themselves boning herself and each other without having a loaded pistol at hand.

What was going on in the preacher orgy? I think I just caught that the target wasn't there, but why was the girl armed? That whole scene made zero sense and I've watched it twice now.

Yes. It works as a season long mini-series, despite the cancellation. I rewatched a few weeks ago, and I still think it's near-perfect television.

For real! How many people have died on this show since Unser got what I assumed at the time was an imminent death sentence. Do they keep him around because they know he's the only likeable person left?

Did you see he was making that a trilogy? I had some problems with it, but I'm interested to see where he takes it.

There has to be some kind of Uncanny Valley range they've tested where someone looks at their iPhone 6 Plus sitting next to their iPad mini and goes, "Wait a second…"

We can get a Where Are They Now Montage of all the babies from the Irish orphan mills set to Katey Sagal Kroons Klassick Rock!

I miss the once traditional Munchgiving and Christmas With the Cragens specials.

As someone who rarely comments round here anymore (but I lurk…. dear god, I lurk) I sez keep it coming. I look forward to this shit every week. On the other hand, keep the complainers coming too, because I like internet fights.

I think the worst part of that type of experience is the condescending looks and grins they share when you speak/argue/get frustrated. It's like you're a pet that discovered politics and they're all waiting for you to get it and accept the Real World. I love you, fam, but bigotry isn't something I'm going to grow

How long did it take you to get a response after taking the initial online test? My internet crapped out midway through, and while I still finished fairly quickly, the immediate email I got sounded awfully "don't call us, we'll call you."

Even better with the question mark.

"Shut up and be dead. I'm busy." Take a bow, Dean Norris!

Wow, it's been a year. Double wow, I measure my life by seasons of Under the Dome now.

Gang Starr's Moment of Truth in 1998! And The Roots Things Fall Apart in early '99. Two of my all time favorites.