
Grumble Grumble.

Holy shit! I thought you were joking.

New Taipei City here. Jesus, there's nearly a dozen of us.

John Cena has a couple of years left.


There are no teams!


Howard honestly believes he's doing Christine a favor. Not only by revealing the plan, but he gives her the fucking ring like she's lucky to win a prize. Chad Piercewell (so on the nose) is a scumbag in a fictitious villain sort of way, but Howard is a disgusting human being on a much more believable level.

You think you're excited? Feel THESE nipples!

Now that you mention it, how the fuck did that movie get put together?

Dowd from Imajica.

While it's fun to paint ESPN as the smarmy jock of channels, the sad truth is that they're worse: the journalism class sports nerds who kiss the asses of the athletes on whom they're ostensibly reporting. As someone who LOVES (some) sports and still burns a torch for a national desire to re-embrace journalistic ethics

I've been using his "Farnsworth Bentley of Middle Earth" (also talking about Drake) line for years!

Close! I walked in the room where my grandmother was watching TV.

I shit you not, Shepherd Smith just said the terrorists won. Pack it in, folks. We had a good run.

Cameron. Say what you will about him, at least he's earnest.

Someone may have mentioned this elsewhere, but I'm in a hurry: Is it just me or did they make it look like Tig and Chibbs had some kind of all night cram session studying club bylaws and precedent in order to get Jax off?

Go catch up on Sons of Anarchy and get back to me.

I think this was the rare case (in a King novel) of the ending making the rest of the book worth it. I highly recommend if you're a fan.

"security force that acted under their authority but shielded them from all the shit that they do"