
Today in music: crunchy tunes and the long sought after bridge between Christian and hardcore.

@avclub-bca3531762af8a993c4f60c48fd5e33b:disqus Except when people get caught.  Have you ever noticed any time some spouse gets busted for attempted murder involving a hitman, the assassin is always an undercover cop and it's ridiculously cheap?  As in "say yes to whatever number they say so we can get a conviction"

Uggh, I'm not defending the odious Krissi here, but I kind of agree with @LC3203:disqus .  That's fairly typical patter from an insecure meanie who used to be bullied a lot.
But no way they'd be expected to make scratch puff pastry.

Uh oh…fifteen minutes to Wapner.

@avclub-08ae6a26b7cb089ea588e94aed36bd15:disqus SURVEY SAYS….ALL OF 'EM!

@avclub-02be845a15ff79338f340d49a0e71f1e:disqus On the contrary, I'd argue that tuning in sporadically leaves you just as clueless, plot-wise as any regular viewer of AHS.

Can't wait to see that.

Wow, Friends monkey, hit '95 movie, and ER type medical drama.  Truly, Jack Donaghy is the Nostradamus of predicting when the future will turn to the past.

I missed the last Dome.  Did "All Along the Watchtower" start playing when the Final Four touched the mini-dome?

Chekhov's frozen gun + gas can cam.

@avclub-e0a1578b57e32929a77892fadf0d0b40:disqus I thought AQUP was the constant thorn in the side of Al Bundy and NO MA'AM.

Wow. 1983 relevance.


So how'd he get the beans above the frank?

I found that on some crazy channel a few nights ago.  It was as creepy as I remember.

My other car is a Takuro Spirit.

"You DO NOT shoot a guy in the dick, Butters."

Holy hannah, flashbacks.  I guess I've read a few, although I'd completely forgotten about it.  My older brother used to read these and some similar stuff.  I vaguely recall S.O.B.s: SOLDIERS OF BARRABAS being in a stack with the Mack Bolan books.  And another series called Wingman.  About what you'd expect.

Me too!

I pretended End of Watch was SouthLAnd's end.