Keep Firing Assholes

What got me interested in Firefly was how completely obvious Whedon's version of the future is. OF COURSE the colonization of space will have similarities to the colonization of the wild west. OF COURSE English & Chinese will be the dominant languages. OF COURSE the poor and the religious will seek their

As brilliant as Firefly & Serenity are…
Firefly is guilty of the WORST THEME SONG EVER WRITTEN. Followed closely by Star Trek: Enterprise.

Prove it or retract your comment!

But somewhat better than Lowenbrau.

Well allow me to throw some curbside trash in my Mr. Fusion, put the pedal to the metal towards 88 mph and deliver you a vial of retroactive cervical cancer…hepatitis…. damn, what was that disease again? Shoot. It'll come to me later.

oh shit! you overheard me.

Whither Barfman?

*psssst* maybe if you ignore him, he'll go away.

I agree with everything you just said lazerguided, except Lynch's decision to trade off the superior fighting ability of the Atreides men for the "Weirding Module." So much of Herbert's story had to do with the Atreides, Sardukar, and Fremen being such damn good fighters, but instead of showing that we'll show them

I'm enjoying this argument. For god's sakes somebody get ZMF on the line and let's make this a menage-a-trois.

I've always maintained that the best visual approximation of the entire Dune series (dune through chapterhouse) would be an HBO animated series (or adult swim if you're from the 21st century). It's the only way you could properly flesh out the characters, address all the embedded philosophies, and animated is the

that's the price you pay for living in the universe. evolution or nothin'.


I'm having a hard time grasping the context of the Vatican, once ruler of the western world and half their souls weighing in on popular music. Don't they have more important things on their plate? Like unrestrained South American sperm?

If peeing your pants is cool, than consider me miles davis.

I used to hate The W.A.N.D. but lately its been growing on me.

Ziggy Stardust
When I heard they were covering Dark Side of the Moon I was only mildly excited because I've always wondered what The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars would sound like coming from the Lips.

you sir, are entitled to your opinion. you're wrong of course but you are entitled to it.

1:40 with the sound off. Right around the time what I can only presume is the Mcaulley Culkin intro followed by Brandy and an unnamed Tranny chiming in.

your logic is indisputable GLut. as always, well played.