make it stop

Bonus question for that reviewer: Now find comparable examples of the offensive items listed in the last sentence in another work — THE BIBLE!

Bonus question for that reviewer: Now find comparable examples of the offensive items listed in the last sentence in another work — THE BIBLE!

@avclub-0304234e5dac07d007cf06c22b3f29c4:disqus Well, she's certainly bland as hell, but on the other hand, something about her seems to radiate SMUG.  And perpetual eye-rolling.  She's someone I find just viscerally off-putting without really being able to describe it.

@avclub-0304234e5dac07d007cf06c22b3f29c4:disqus Well, she's certainly bland as hell, but on the other hand, something about her seems to radiate SMUG.  And perpetual eye-rolling.  She's someone I find just viscerally off-putting without really being able to describe it.

Tim Hortons frosted cinnamon rolls:  For some reason, the glazed version is passable, but the frosted kind, with its solidified layer of white horror on top, is truly of the devil.  Even when you scrape that shit off, you can't win.  It leaves its essence behind. I've gotten these by accident before when actually

Tim Hortons frosted cinnamon rolls:  For some reason, the glazed version is passable, but the frosted kind, with its solidified layer of white horror on top, is truly of the devil.  Even when you scrape that shit off, you can't win.  It leaves its essence behind. I've gotten these by accident before when actually

Saw headline, came in anticipating a thread like this being posted immediately.  Leaving happy!

Saw headline, came in anticipating a thread like this being posted immediately.  Leaving happy!

@Nudeviking:disqus Yup, that's the exact demographic (although I too also see the occasional skinny-jeaned boy of comparable to younger age), and the disheartening response I would expect from said demographic.
SELF-COUNTERPOINT: Twatty college freshman-age me would never have dreamed of wearing that shirt for a work

@avclub-5171864ab150444a2bcff2d4c52d3064:disqus — I knew I could count on a fellow A.V. Clubber to bring up the etymology.  (Thus me hedging my bets with 'questionable' spelling rather than outright 'wrong'.)  I still find the NARK spelling — and the glorious exclamation mark — somehow inherently funnier.

@avclub-5171864ab150444a2bcff2d4c52d3064:disqus — I knew I could count on a fellow A.V. Clubber to bring up the etymology.  (Thus me hedging my bets with 'questionable' spelling rather than outright 'wrong'.)  I still find the NARK spelling — and the glorious exclamation mark — somehow inherently funnier.

I see the Nirvana yellow 'happy'-face black T-shirt all the time now. From what I've noticed, it seems to be prevalent amongst twatty-looking girls of approximately college freshman age.  I don't think I like this.  I had that shirt in that age range, too, in its original run.  WHEN THINGS WERE LEGIT, MAN

@Monkeylint:disqus On first reading your post, I was all, "Yeah, that kinda sucks, I guess".  Then, slowly, my aging brain processed it and I realized that the timeline is about the same for me, too. FUUUUUU

Suggestion: 'Put a Cert in your ass'.

@avclub-cfe912f5cb3aa572bd1c9ae2a9b82207:disqus  Thank you.  Where to start?
- Questionable spelling in title.
- Exclamation point in title!
- Cover showing dude impaled by giant sheriff's badge.
- Just one review, but what a review. (Sadly, 0 of 34 people found it helpful.)
-  1 new, starting at $115.66. 19 used, from

@avclub-cfe912f5cb3aa572bd1c9ae2a9b82207:disqus  Thank you.  Where to start?
- Questionable spelling in title.
- Exclamation point in title!
- Cover showing dude impaled by giant sheriff's badge.
- Just one review, but what a review. (Sadly, 0 of 34 people found it helpful.)
-  1 new, starting at $115.66. 19 used, from

Also: blastin' one nip.

Also: blastin' one nip.

Well, I guess my work is done here.

Well, I guess my work is done here.