Beer Baron

I think I’m done with using actual wings for my Buffalo wings. I got a bunch of boneless thighs and cut them into thirds, floured ‘em, baked ‘em on a rack and tossed them with the sauce. They were bitchin’. All the flavor and much less fiddly.

I’m ... beginning to have a few misgivings.

Apparently Santorum thought the letter sucked and was just further proof of how terrible a person Obama is. Of course this is the same guy who called Obama a “snob” for saying that everyone should have the opportunity to go to college, and claimed that the state of California had banned the study of American history.

Netflix used to have that “Classic Albums” making-of series on streaming and I thought Aja was the best of them. Looks like they lost ‘em.

Ah yes, I fondly remember making fun of this with the rest of you a little while back. Before the dark times. Before the Kinja.

Wow. Looks like nearly all of the 8000-plus comments are getting ported over. I can almost hear Kinja screaming.

Our shut-down used to be Hal 9000. “I’m afraid. I’m afraid, Dave. Dave, my mind is going ... I can feel it ... I can feel it ...” 

That really aggro grown-up party with all the coke-heads felt very real to me.

And that schoolgirl’s favorite band?


“ ... Cybil (Mary Steenburgen) and Harvey (Paul Reiser)... “

I still can’t say “Utit Choomuang” without giggling like a schoolgirl.

I used to have a .wav of that line as the error message on my computer, back when people did such things. Do people still do such things?

Well, if there’s one thing that those of us who feel The Simpsons have declined in quality can all agree on, the fault was clearly in the music.

Mmphgggg. Coffee ...

I decided some time last year that I don’t like frozen either (unless they’re subsequently baked into a freak-ass casserole). Fresh forever.

“ ... Dr. Oakes, who somehow survives the blast by ducking down in the front seat of his car (they don’t build ’em like that anymore) ...”

Did Daimio and Hellboy ever cross paths in the comics? I’m caught up with Hellboy, but I think I’m still a few volumes behind with B.P.R.D

Well, it doesn’t have to be ... but it can be.

Go on ...