Beer Baron

Well caress me lovingly with a hedge trimmer.

The little Aa icon opposite your avatar opens up the formatting menu.

Noooo! Kinja is friend to all children!

Hey look, they gave Flo from Alice her own show! Good for her.

Apparently you’ve been approved. Fuck.

Apparently there was a Kinjamprove update yesterday.

I mean, in my opinion Way of the Dragon is the best cinematic example of Bruce Lee doing kung-fu. But I recognize that it’s still a bad movie. Yes, it’s an unassailable classic because it’s got Bruce doing some of his most badass kung-fu. But for anyone who doesn’t care about kung-fu? It’s ... not a very good movie.

While it was both iconic and awesome (due almost entirely to Lee, Jim Kelly and, to a lesser extent, John Saxon), Robert Clouse was not exactly ... a visionary director. Also, it suffered from a fairly lackluster boss battle since Kien Shih clearly couldn’t keep up with Bruce at his age. The parody version in Kentucky

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I was hoping that Ignatiy would embed the bit of the Lee screen test he described (I first saw it in a documentary from the ‘90s), but it’s easy enough to find. And yeah, that’s some scary-ass speed.

I just had a reeeeeal hard time with my suspension of disbelief in that. That big fucking crate was where I mentally checked out.

*looks in bathroom mirror with shaving cream beard*

Here, enjoy your ... um, disease. That’s like ... a mashup of two other terrible diseases.

I took a voiceover class with Bob Bergen several years ago. He’s like a manic James Urbaniak..

Yes. Yes I have.

And yet, unlike watching Avatar, I never felt like Wonder Woman the movie thought I was an idiot.

Okay, I’ve locked down the privacy settings on my long-dormant Twitter account and set up a non-burner. Lesse if I’ve escaped the grays.

So a couple of days ago I figured I'd get ahead of the game and start up a Kinja account. Since there was no way I was going to link it to my social media accounts, I opted for the "burner" account. Apparently that was exactly the wrong thing to do because now my accounts can't be merged. Delete the burner? "Kinja

So a couple of days ago I figured I'd get ahead of the game and start up a Kinja account. Since there was no way I was going to link it to my social media accounts, I opted for the "burner" account. Apparently that was exactly the wrong thing to do because now my accounts can't be merged. Delete the burner? "Kinja