Beer Baron

That scene was shocking because before that we hadn’t really seen how cold and heartless Walt could be and how far he’d go to protect himself. But from a purely pragmatic point of view, Jane wasn’t just a loose end or potential threat she was an actual threat, both to him (she’d already called his house once and

If he had worn a gray polo shirt we never would have heard of him.

“I’m on ...... TV ... ”

Well, unless she’s black.

I absolutely and unashamedly loved the fuck out of this show when it aired (I was ten). You have to take three running steps before you can fly? IT’S FUNNY BECAUSE IT’S TRUE!

... dawes ...

Ah yes, just returned to the home page and there it is, featured prominently.

You see, I only clicked on this article because there was a cluster of “Recent Movie Reviews” that included letter grades and I love reading reviews that are C- and lower because I’m a very small person. Moar obviously-placed letter grades AV Club!

Well maybe Whoopi brought her own mug because she cares about the planet! Didja ever think of that?!


Having never picked up the habit, the appeal has always been lost on me. I mean, sure there’s the cool factor, but ... being stoned feels good. Being drunk (up to a point) feels good. Near as I can tell, the best thing about smoking a cigarette is that you no longer feel edgy because you were craving a cigarette ...

But ... that’s just a cigarette, isn’t it? I mean, does he talk about how much he loves weed while he’s smoking his cigarette? Do I need to watch the video to find out, ‘cuz I don’t wanna.

It’s kind of weird. With very few exceptions, I couldn’t even tell you the day and time most of the shows I watch actually air.

Yes, Gilliam’s take on Dr. Manhattan’s foreskin would have been fascinating.

It’s so rare that we watch TV as it’s actually airing these days that the only place we see trailers are either in the theater or on Youtube because it’s something we’re actively seeking out.

Dangit. At first I thought it was a whole new trailer, which would be awesome since the first two blew my balls off. Just a teaser with mostly stuff we’ve already seen.

They don’t care. They get more clicks now that the site is part of a strip mall.

Now I want to see The Incredible Shrinking Woman again.

Now I’m disappointed in my dog. At 45 pounds, she seems way too small.

Oh right, we can do this now.